Chapter 23

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Blitz, Sledge, Thatcher, Dokkaebi, Hibana

Ash, Thermite, Iana, Jackal, Blackbeard

Fuze, Twitch, IQ, Sierra, Zofia


Pulse, Caveira, Mira, Doc, Mozzie

Smoke, Mute, Ela, Valkyrie, Rook

Echo, Vigil, Alibi, Bandit, Jager



Zofia: Come on people! Move!

After Six's announcement about the competition, most of the operators were placed on different teams that would compete. The team I was placed on composed of Fuze, Twitch, IQ, and our team leader Zofia.

Zofia had decided that we would train till we collapsed, so that's what we were doing, by going on a 13 mile run.

Fuze: Can't we take a break?

IQ: Yea, come on Zof! We've been running for 2 hours!

Zofia: No breaks! Look at Sierra, he's wearing metal armor and he's not complaining!

Did I also forget to mention that she's making us run in full gear. Poor Fuze.


This seemed to motivate the rest of the team, who quickly stopped complaining.

We eventually finished the run, and the team immediately collapsed. Zofia even had to take a seat on the ground

Twitch(panting): Don't.... Make.... Us... Do that..... Again!

IQ: I know you want to win and all, but that was a bit too much

Zofia: Oh we're not done yet, we still have target practice.

Fuze: Blyad' 

We then walked over to the shooting range.

Zofia: We'll see how each other shoots. IQ you're first.

IQ stepped up to the firing line with her Aug. She quickly lined up her sights and unloaded a whole mag into the target.

She then stepped back, and Zofia pressed a button and the target silhouette mechanically moved to where we were standing.

Her groupings were all over the place, as it was obvious that the aug has a lot of recoil.

Zofia: Not bad, but your groupings need to be a bit tighter. Twitch, your turn.

Twitch stepped up and used her Famas. Her groupings were about the same as IQ's.

Fuze then stepped up to the firing line with his LMG, and started blasting.

By the time he finished, I wondered if there would be anything left of the target.

The target revealed that his groupings were basically nonexistent, and that he basically shot in the general direction of the target with 50% of the shots hitting.

Zofia(sighs): Well, as long as the bad guy is dead, then it's fine. Sierra, your turn.

I then stepped up to the firing line.

Time to shake things up.

Reaching behind my back, I pulled out my brute shot.

Twitch(whispers to IQ): That's a gun?

Sierra: Rainbow Six Siege X Male Spartan ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now