Intrigue and like are two very different things.

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No one expects an angel to set the world on fire.

Maybe it was the way she looked him in the eye and didn't back down. Maybe it was the way she smiled at him that made him think it was more addictive than all the whiskey in the world. Or maybe it was the way she rocked from side to side as she stood there, almost like she was dancing in the wind.

Whatever it was, he decided that he liked it. It maybe being her or just the air around her, but he liked it.

See intrigue is a funny thing to feel. It's stepping onto thick ice and expecting to fall through, and maybe you might. But oh, the things you find under the water.

So when she asked him if she could help with anything, Thomas quicker than a fiddle told a lie like it was his mother tongue.

"Do you know where I can find some bread?" Of course he knew, but she didn't need to know that.

A smile spread on her face, "I know just the place! If you would follow me!"

She led the way with a bounce in her step, the ribbons in her hair flowing out behind her, her pumps tapping against the floor like the snapping of fingers in a jazz club. Her curls sitting perfectly on her back.

Ahem. But he didn't notice any of that, no...

She flitted over to a stall that sat outside of the bakery, she looked back at the rude man.

His eyes were glancing around the streets, noticing that the people around the market had started to disperse, family's now going to sit down and eat whatever evening meals they could.

After a minute of watching the world go by, the last person to step out was Ms. P, the lady who owned the bakery.

"Hello Deary, I've just finished up in there so it's all ready for when you ne- oh!" The cheery smile on Ms. P's face vanished when she caught sight of the man standing opposite Dorothy,
"I uh- well i best be heading off now. See you on Monday, love!" The woman abruptly marched off.

Dorothy, seemingly clueless to the woman's distress shouted after her, "goodbye Ms. P, say hi to Bella for me!" Her cheerful smile staying on her face as she turned back to the rude man.
She still didn't like him, but that didn't mean she should be unkind.

"I'm afraid nothing I can sell you is fresh, but it's still good! I promise!" She leant on the stand as he examined the items in front of him. He wasn't really looking, he was actually trying to think of a conversation starter.

"What have you got against houses in the woods?" She minded his tone to be rather rude. The smile on her face faltering a bit.

She shrugged, "I just think that those kind of structures don't belong in the last patch of Mother Nature near us. This city is smog and brick, the woodlands is the only place you can breath and not blacken your lungs."

He nodded his head. Not agreeing with her, just accepting the answer.

Dorothy clapped her hands, "But never mind that, what tickles your fancy here?" She pointed to the display.

Before Thomas could speak, he was interrupted by a rain drop falling on his nose, then another in his hair, then on the ground in front of him. And soon enough, the sky was chucking it down.

"Oh crumbs!" She flailed her arms frantically as if she could stop the rain with sheer will power.

She grabbed as many of the produce she could off the stall and rushed into action, chucking them inside on the nearest counter top.
It was only the second time that she came back that Thomas even thought of helping.
He, having much larger hands and arms, picked up the remaining baked goods before they could get soggy.

Gun metal and Daisies (Thomas Shelby)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat