Grief and love

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I have a deeply hidden
And inarticulate desire
For something
The daily

The family had now retired to the living room, all smiles and glasses in hands. Business hadn't come up once this night and it was easy to see that their lives were not deadlines and cutting people, it was family with an ounce of passion.

"You did! I know you did!" Ada pointed at her eldest brother, "You used to buy flowers for the butchers daughter!"

They were currently in a heated debate about Arthur's love life as he made a comment that even 'Tommy's got a girl" which was adamantly denied, but anyway.

"Oh! Molly Shepherd! She lived a street down from me!" Dorothy leaned forward, "she used to always tell us about the 'Shelby boy that bought her pretty petals!'"
Ada and Dorothy were howling with laughter.

Thomas had finally allowed himself to enjoy the night, he sat with Dorothy on the love seat by the fire. Dorothy rested against his shoulder which Polly smiled subtly at.

"I remember she used to rave about you to Sarah and Martha and me! Yabbin' that she was in love, you shoulda' seen her!" Dorothy wiped a tear from her eye.

"You knew Martha, did ya?" John suddenly seemed interested in the conversation.

The room had developed a different atmosphere now. It held memories and pained grimaces.

Dorothy smiled sadly, she was horribly distraught over her old friends death, "yes. I remember when you two first started seeing each other." She clasped her hands on her lap, "told us all about her Shelby lover. The most rom-" Dorothy paused and suppressed her laughter- "the most romantic boy in all of Small Heath."

The family all collectively sang with laughter as John went slightly red in the face. Though embarrassed, he still loved hearing those words come from Dorothy about his Martha.

Dorothy paused mid-laughter as a cough sprouted out of her throat. She tried to keep it quiet but it slowly turned harder and more violent as it shook her body. Thomas immediately stopped laughing and grabbed a hold of her.

The rest were still caught in their jubilant state, not noticing Dorothy's sickly nature.

"Y'alright there love? Calm down, take a breath for me Bons."

Everyone by now had sobered up and were watching with worry creased in their brows.

Dorothy had collected her breath and looked awfully pale quite suddenly. Thomas took her hands and helped her to a standing. She seemed okey to walk on her own, but he didn't trust to let go of her.
He led her quickly up the stairs and back into the bedroom she lay in only a few hours prior.

Once she was comfortable, Thomas gave her water again. He sighed and cursed himself. It was the third time this day he'd let her keep running about, as if everything was okay. He really couldn't say no to her.

When he looked back up at her, she was fast asleep. Her breathing was deep and heavy from the sickness. Thomas almost kicked himself for not looking out for her.

He grabbed the chair from the side of the room and took a seat next to her sleeping frame.

And he waited. He waited the night through to the morning.


When he heard the sound of Polly's steps coming down the corridor, he knew the night had been and gone.

"Any better?"

Thomas felt Dorothy's forehead for the third time in the past five minutes. He shook his head no. The fever wasn't dangerous, but it also didn't calm his nerves.

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