"You've known her for two months and you still don't know her name?"

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He wears the smell of blood and death like a perfume
There is a fire in his eyes
And ice in his veins
But you love him anyway
For he is a star
Burning with the light of a thousand suns
(And your world is dark without him)

"What the fuck is all that racket? Tommy?"

An average height woman with brown, long hair slammed open the door. Dorothy, who was  still coughing violently, gasped and continued to choke up a lung.

Thomas ignored the lady and proceeded to rub Dorothy's back while keeping a firm hand on her shoulder. He slightly pushed past the woman and brought the now wheezing Dorothy up a small set of stairs.

Dorothy wasn't really focused on where they were going as she was trying to get her breathing under control, but she trusted Thomas to get her up the stairs safely.

He led her around the landing and pulled her into a small room with a bed and a bedside table.

Thomas lay her down in the bed, propping her up slightly so she could still breath and pulled the covers up to her chin.

Thomas put a hand to her forehead and he cursed himself for not being firmer with trying to get her home earlier.

The lady, who was still standing speechless at the bottom of the stairs with the door still open, watched as Thomas came rushing back down the stairs, past the living room where most of the family sat and into the kitchen.

He filled a glass with water and got a bowl with a towelette.

"What's going on Thomas? Who's that girl?" The lady had regained composure and followed Thomas to the kitchen.

Thomas continued to ignore her and barged past her again.
He was careful not to let the bowl slip from his grasp, and quickly made his way to his bedroom.

When he got there, Bonny had her eyes half shut, her breathing was slow, but it still had a heavy wheeze that didn't sound healthy at all.

Unbeknownst to Thomas, the woman had followed him up the stairs and stood outside his doorway as he muttered to himself and what she presumed to the girl in his bed.

"C'mere Poppet, you can sleep in a moment. Yeah?" He continued to murmur to himself, "I shoulda made sure to take you to the safe house. This is gonna be 'ard to explain now."

Thomas carefully cupped the back of her head and tipped the water slowly into her mouth. Dorothy was exhausted and just wanted to go to sleep. Her body felt heavy and her throat was burning; the water only easing it a bit.

Thomas carefully placed a damp towel on her forehead. He sat back on his haunches and took a deep breath. "Go to sleep now, Bonny. I'll be here when you wake up."

Thomas sat back for a moment, cursing at a medium volume to himself about her situation.
His self-scrutiny and distain was interrupted by a throat being cleared behind him. Thomas' head snapped back, and there leaning on the door was his Aunt Polly.

She nudged her head to the side, motioning quietly for him to get his arse downstairs and explain what was going on.

Thomas looked back at Bonny for a moment and let out a deep sigh. He slowly got up off the floor and trudged past Polly to the living room where he knew the rest of his family were probably sitting and also were probably watching.

He swung his body around the doorframe and settled into one of the arm chairs by the small fire. He closed his eyes, not even acknowledging the rest of the family or whoever the fuck was in the room.

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