What goes up must always come back down again.

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She wasn't doing a
Single thing I could
see, except
Standing there,
Leaning on the
Balcony railing,
Holding the
Universe together.

Though the night was long and loud, it was also too short for comfort and boisterous. Thomas and Dorothy both walked away from each other with bowed heads, regretting instantly that they ever parted.

They both knew that it wouldn't be the end of their companionship, but leaving each other made it painful, if just for a few hours.

Darcy found the Shelby man charming and respectful. Dean saw him a man with no ill intent, only guilty of rumours.

Thomas walked away and found that the house felt more homely than the one he occupied.

Thomas hated small spaces, but for the first time, that small space was comforting and warm. For the briefest second as he sat in that kitchen, he let his mind wonder, he thought of his mother, and he saw her smile. He allowed himself that thought and treasured it for the rest of the night.
Only making it all the more sweet as he felt his mothers smile on his conscience.

The night went off without a hitch. The dinner continued as Dorothy asked about Deans day and he joked of his unemployment.

Dorothy only grimaced what she thought to be a smile at the joke. Her father had been unemployed due to having to look after his wife. Originally, Dorothy was going to stop working but after examining the income, they found that she was the main breadwinner of the family.

The night continued on as Thomas recounted stories from his childhood, he hoped that the more he spoke of old times the more he could figure out his Bonny.

He was aching to know her name, but out of respect he didn't look too deeply. The parents never once gave her name, only sweet pet names reserved for daughters.

As Thomas got up and decided that he'd best head back, Bonny was engrossed in conversation with her mother. Dean clapped him on the back and walked him to the door, chatting quietly as they walked and stood there for a few minutes, waiting for Bonny to come through the door to bid him goodbye.


Dorothy awoke tiredly, the events of the night before were tiring as she'd stayed up til the early hours of the morning, thinking of Bubs and how he just fell into the comfort of her home.

She left the house with thoughts of her Bubs as she made her way to the bakery, prepared to start the day.


It was safe to say that the day did not go as well as it could have. Though forever the undying optimist, even Dorothy struggled to see the light of her day.

Ms. P had come down with a terrible case of flu- or worse.

The bakery had become infested with rats, meaning all the produce was ruined and they had to close it for a few days as they gathered the money to get the problem removed.

Next, she finds out that the boys who had stolen from her the other week had been running around again after, in her opinion, very stern talking to.

And lastly to end the day she learns that her father had found work.

Now usually that probably would have been good. She was ecstatic at first. But when she found out that it was to be a part of Thomas' up and coming business; it was safe to say she almost stuck her fingers in her eyes.

Her father had desperately tried to explain that he was tending to the money banks, no razor gang stuff. He pleaded that she saw the desperate state they were in and that they SURELY needed the money.

Gun metal and Daisies (Thomas Shelby)Where stories live. Discover now