Birth, death, the silly bit in between.

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No one expects an angel to set the world on fire.

"When are you gonna get a hold of yourself?" Charlie asked bluntly.

Thomas and Charlie were sitting on the bank of the cut again. They'd taken to doing this regularly. Charlie had become something like a son or brother to Thomas. He cared deeply for the boy; and at the same time, he respected him with the same regard of those who fought in the war. Thomas had become something like a rock for Charlie. He looked up to Thomas, even though that might be a dangerous decision.

"'Scuse me?" Thomas answered flatly.

"Dotty, I mean. When are you gonna finally tell 'er that you love her. She isn't going to wait long, y'know. Men follow her around like lost puppies. Get there quick before she gets taken off yer hands." Charlie was gone and out of sight before Thomas could give a hard glare at him.

"Fuckin' 'ell." Thomas took a final drag of his cigarette before he threw the ashes into the cut.


It was noon and Thomas had come to the full conclusion that he was more nervous with what he was about do, compared to anything else. War. Kimber. Death. None of it mattered. Not right now.

Thomas stood outside of the bakery for all of 10 minutes, too lost in his thoughts to realise he was stalling on purpose. Before he could gather his senses though, he was grabbed by the neck and pulled down into the deep smell of vanilla and rose-water.

"Hello Bubs!" Dorothy chirped.

Thomas reciprocated the action and wrapped his arms around her waist. "'Ello Bonny. You seem awfully thankful to see me."

"Ms. P is throwing a fit in there, so I need an escape... and I missed you." She sheepishly smiled.

"Missed me? Love, you spent the whole day with me yesterday." Thomas chuckled.

"Cor! You make it sound like you don't want to see me. I'm offended!" She mockingly swooned.

"Aye. No, I'd never miss the chance to see me best girl." Thomas smirked an awfully confident smirk for someone who was so nervous.
This time though, Thomas did see the faint blush on her pale cheeks as she giggled quietly.

"C'mon Bubs, 'am hungry." She pulled him along the road.

Dorothy hummed as they walked down the busy market streets, "I think I've decided that cheese toasties are the best food to grace this Earth." She started as the entered the cozy shop.

"And they're better when I'm the one paying for them?" Thomas smiled, jokingly. Although he didn't really have to pay, he knew it made Dorothy feel better that she was eating honest food that was paid for.

"Bubs, if you need me to pay one day, you just have to say!" She waved her arms around in panic, scared that she was draining his wallet.

"Well-" here goes nothing- "I'd be more inclined to pay if you were officially me best girl."

He swallowed thickly. Dorothy was mid-chew when her breathing hitched in her throat.

She looked up at Thomas, her brows had sewn together as she stared deeply into his eyes- and for the first time; she noticed his eyes.

She took to the moment to examine his features that she'd never really noticed before. She stared further and further into the curves and edges of his face.
Her eyes traced his jaw that was set in a clenched position. She looked up at his lips that she remembered the quirk of when he smiled. She gazed upon his defined cheekbones that rested victoriously on his sunken face. She traced his hairline and looked at the brown mop on his forehead- her hands twitched slightly as she thought about running her hand through it like she'd done many times before. She stared at his forehead which had creased slightly.
And finally she settled her gaze on his eyes. His deep blue eyes who she thought always had a spark of life within. She saw emotions swimming around in his irises.
She looked in and saw that maybe he too, was only ever pretending to be human all along.
Birth, death, the silly bit in between. If none of it has any ultimate significance... if on a cosmic scale, none of it matters... does that really fucking matter?

"Yes," Dorothy thought, "of course it matters. He matters." She won't be there forever, but what a silly decision it would be, to waste her day out in the cosmos.

Thomas quickly grasped for his cigarette case out of a fit of nervousness, but before he could light the rolled tobacco, Dorothy interrupted, "is that a formal proposal, Thomas?"

He paused. She was talking to Thomas now. Thomas Shelby of the Peaky Blinders. She was asking if she wasn't just going to be Bubs' girl; but also Thomas Shelby's. she was asking if she was going to be a part of whole of him.
"Is that a yes?"
She was already a part of everything to do with him.

Dorothy thought back to all the times she'd watched him light a disgusting cigarette; or when he drank vile liquids; or when he was mean and cold to her; or when she could only refer to him as the mean man that she didn't like. She thought back to when she first learnt he was Thomas Shelby. She thought about all the killings and beatings he had delivered. The way the Devil seemed to drink with him when he felt alone.
And Dorothy thought: "oh fuck. I've fallen in love with you, haven't I?"

"I think that would be appropriate, yes, Mr Shelby." Dorothy leaned up and wrapped her arms around his neck. Thomas swiftly proceeded to reciprocate the action by wrapping his arms around her waist to steady her, the moment the words connected with his brain. And Thomas smiled. He smiled so wide that he thought he was going to crack open.

Thomas brought his face closer to hers. He searched her face for any sign in hesitancy, but he didn't have time to look too deeply as quickly enough, she pulled his neck down and laid her lips on his.

It was sweet and slow. It was hot and passionate. It tasted of cigarettes and the remnants of a cheese toastie. It was also too short.

Neither said anything for a moment, they only stared at each other. Thomas cleared his throat slightly, "how was that for a first kiss?"

Dorothy swatted his chest, "mood killer."

He didn't get the chance to let out a hearty laugh as she pulled him in again for a longer and hotter kiss. It was frantic and desperate.

"I've wanted to do that for so long." Thomas mumbles against her lips.

"How long?" Dorothy whispered.

"Since the day you first had a cheese melt, so this is very fitting."

Dorothy giggled as she pulled him in again, "people are watching now, and if they see you smiling, they might think you've gone properly insane now."

Dorothy grabbed his hand, and although she had done it hundreds of times before; this time, it was different. This time it had more meaning. A different meaning.

She controlled her own destiny. She could finally build Heaven- she always could, though. She always had the materials: She just lacked the blueprint.

Things were amazing. Things were nice. Things were perfect. Things were all she needed them to be.
And that was enough.


Jesus I've wanted to write this chapter for so long! It's come so far! I really didn't think I'd be able to stretch this book out this much.
Also, a MASSIVE thank you for 5k and 200+ upvotes! The numbers are insane and just reading it means so much to me.
You, my GORGEOUS readers are fantastic, and I hope that maybe a bit of cliche fanfiction at least brightens up a small part of your day.
I really appreciate the feedback, even if it's just telling me I'm a shit writer and that I should quit immediately- the feedback is so important!

Thanks for the love.
Feedback and comments are wanted.
See ya next time!

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