Human conceits

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We drink the poison
Our minds pour
For us
And wonder
Why we feel so sick.

The new couple didn't actually manage to get back to the bakery in time for Dorothy's shift, as Thomas thought it entirely appropriate to keep pulling her into alleyways and locking lips for a few minutes. Dorothy groaned as she was pulled into another walkway.

"Bubs, I swear to God. You're lovely-" she was cut off by Thomas leaning down again and pressing another kiss to her lips- "you're lovely, but I need to eat this cheese melt, it's going to go cold otherwise."

Thomas whined and begrudgingly leaned back so she could keep eating her food. He didn't let go of her though; he hadn't the whole time. His hands were around her waist; on the small of her back; behind her head when he was feeling particularly passionate- or needy as Dorothy put it.

She knew, that if everything goes well, a long time from where they were, she will stop at the top of a hill for lunch, and look back down at how far she had come. And it would have all been worth it.

And at the end of it all; when she reaches the top of the hill for lunch, she'll know, that in the end, we're all just humans... drunk on the idea that love, and only love, could heal our brokenness.

His thumbs stroked her hips in circular motions as he waited for her to finish chewing (he had the patience of a child).

She looked up into his eyes- eyes that she had recently come to adore (or maybe she always had, we don't know), and thought that there was not demonstration better of the folly of human conceits than love.

But before Thomas could lean in again, Dorothy pulled them back out into the busy markets.

One thing Dorothy forgot; was that Thomas, 1) didn't give a single fuck about whether the public saw them or not. 2) he'd been waiting a hell of a lot of time (to him) to be able to be close to her.

Dorothy let out a surprised squeal when Thomas pulled her close and smashed his face into hers. It wasn't graceful in the slightest, but it was cute and anyone could see that they were adorably smitten with each other.

And when I said anyone could see it- I meant everyone. So it was no surprise when the two lovers were engaged in a tight embrace with each other, that they heard small gleeful cheers in the distance.

Dorothy looked past Thomas' shoulder and spotted five jumping children of various ages and sizes. Dorothy gasped and pointed over Thomas' shoulder. He turned his head, slightly bothered by the interruption- but to be honest, nothing could ruin his mood right now.

The children were standing in the intersection between market squares. Theo was holding hands with Tammy and jumping about. The small girl seemingly had no idea why everyone was so cheerful, but she was happy that she was a part of it. Leah was dancing around in circles making kissy faces at the couple while Matilda and Charlie both grinned on at them.

Dorothy blushed and his her head in Thomas' shoulder which made Leah cheer louder. Thomas locked eyes with Charlie and both grinned wider than just excited. Both nodded at each other- a silent thanks.

Charlie and Matilda exchanged a look; Matilda grabbed Theo's hand and dragged him and Tammy backwards slightly. Charlie took a few paces backwards as well.

Leah stayed on the spot, waving her arms about and giggling to herself. Charlie put a hand on her shoulder and attempted to pull her back, but she was so enraptured by her glee and laughs that she didn't notice.

The second time he pulled back on her shoulder slightly, he was a bit more forceful, but still the girl didn't budge.

Charlie stepped forward and put himself in front of Leah; without so much as a bit of courtesy, he pushed her back abruptly.

Leah stumbled back into Matilda's arms, her giggles stifling and a serious expression took over her.

A loud horn noise sounded and her expression changed to that of a completely different one when blood splattered over her face and clothes.

A mechanical vehicles brakes screeched, and though it was just in front of them, the sound was distant and blended in with the white noise.

Shouts ensued, and among them- there was a loud one. One that stood out from the rest:



Thanks for 6K?

This is short... I did do that on purpose.
I've planned this chapter for a while now...
I have a feeling the room is quite tense?

Thanks for the love?
Feedback and comments are wanted.
See ya next time!

Gun metal and Daisies (Thomas Shelby)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt