"I wish you well on your pursuit of being."

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He looked at her
The way she needed to be looked at
Like the whole world could crumble
And he wouldn't blink.

After Dorothy cleared away the bowl and spoons, she turned to Thomas, "well, I best be heading off then. You've got a business to run, Bubs. Doubt that you'd want to waste anymore time here?" She put her hands on her hips.

"Waste! Waste?" Thomas thought. "How could any of this be a waste?"
"Nah. Besides, I want to make sure you don't go falling over when I'm not looking. At least not 'til the end of the day."

Dorothy, if she was honest, had no desire to leave. So without any fight, she only grinned and strutted off to the living room.

She plopped down on the sofa and got herself comfortable, "you're lucky it's my day off, Bubs. Or Ms P would have wrung my neck.

"Not to mention it's my Sunday off. I don't have my camera with me, so you're stuck with my incessant rambles."
Thomas didn't mind. He rather liked her rambles. They kept him out of his head.

"Well, I doubt you'd actually want to be outside anyway. Looks like rain's coming." He gestured out of the window to the blustery weather.

Thomas liked the fact that he had her to himself for the day. Just a day to escape and enjoy life. With her. His Bonny.


The two talked continuously as the day moved ever closer to night. They hadn't moved an inch off the sofa, except the two of them leaning in towards each other as time wore on.

Dorothy now sat with her legs, thrown over his lap, as he rested his hands on the trousers she was wearing.

"Y'know what? I rather like the trousers. I think it would do me good to find some women's trousers to wear. Would make clear-out day a helluva lot easier."

Thomas thought for a moment and nodded. He liked the trousers on her, she looked nice with them on.


"So anyway, I told him to fuck right off! I wasn't having any o-."

"Did you just curse?" Thomas leaned closer, chuckling at her in disbelief.
Thomas never thought he'd hear her curse. She looked far too doe-eyed and innocent for that.

"Yes... what about it?" She squinted her eyes at him.

"Oh no nothing. I just thought you'd be too good and kind hearted for all that, but I've learnt not to be surprised by any of your plot twists."

"You can be a good person with a kind heart and still tell people to fuck off when needed, Bubs."

Thomas nodded his head, satisfied with her answer.

It was now mid-afternoon, the house had gotten slowly more chilly without the two noticing, so now they were curled up quite close to each other, trying to preserve body heat.

Thomas had his arm around the back of the sofa which she leaned her head on. Her knee was touching his thigh as she curled closer.

Dorothy yawned slightly. She definitely was not used to this much social interaction in one day. She thought Bubs was great, but all the talking really took the energy out of her.

Thomas raised an amused eyebrow, "tired?" He cocked his head, mockingly.

"Alright, just 'cause you don't sleep, doesn't mean the rest of us have to be practically narcoleptic." She glared back at him.

Gun metal and Daisies (Thomas Shelby)Where stories live. Discover now