"Can you feel the love, Bubs?"

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*Minor content warning*

Society grows great
When old men
Plant trees
Whose shade
They know
They will never
Sit in.

The meal prepared was lavish and extravagant. Dorothy at first protested that Thomas had hired staff, but Thomas proceeded to explain that there was no way he would let her manage the whole of the house by herself and ignored her remarks in asking him if he was challenging her ability to do so.

The strange family of six sat all around a gorgeous mahogany table that was long and impractical. Thomas sat at the head of the table which made Leah giggle and say he looked like a King, while Dorothy stated that if everyone left the table, he'd look like a lonely politician.

Dorothy made a whole scene out of waiting behind her chair while Thomas sat down and poured his drink. When he took a sip, he looked up at her standing there staring back at him. "What is it?" He squinted.

Dorothy mockingly made herself flustered, "can we sit down now, your Majesty" she bowed low and struggled to maintain a serious face as a Thomas snorted slightly into his drink and rolled his eyes.

"If you keep using that tone, I'll cut ya head off, Love." Dorothy grinned in response.

Dorothy took a seat adjacent to Thomas and next to Tammy. Everyone dug in and chatter picked up across the table.

Thomas chose to sit at the head of the table to a number of reasons. 1) Because it looked cool. 2) Because he liked having his family in his direct line of sight at all times. 3) Because ego, y'know?

So there he sat, proud and tall. He stared on at the vast expanse of the dining room, but only chose to look no further than five feet as his companions were close.
He watched on as Leah flicked a pea at Theo and Matilda giggled when Leah got mash potatoes to the face, but shouted when Leah responded by flicking potato at her face.

Havoc quickly ensued and Thomas was almost at a loss for words. He looked on to his left at Dorothy who he suspected would be watching with an eye of disapproval- but instead, she was giggling and laughing along with the rest of them, even flicking a few stray peas at Theo.

"Why did I think it was a good idea to take residency with a bunch of children?"
Because you love her, a voice in his head spoke.
"That I do."

Thomas put his head in his palms and sighed. The sound only increased around him until he felt a dollop of mash potato get thrown and land on top of his head. The noise at the table stilled instantly as they watched him lift his head from his hands.

He shut his eyes for a moment before opening them and staring on at the horrified faces in front of him. He rose a brow expectingly and all of the children avoided his gaze.

It wasn't until he saw shaking to his left did his eyes snap to the woman who had laughter shaking her core as she tried to contain her giggles. It was only when she met his eye did she buckle down slightly.

Slowly, a large clump of potato's fell off Thomas' head and into his lap and Dorothy promptly lost her shit. She pounded on the table and roared with laughter.

Without much warning, Thomas swiftly swiped off the remaining potato on his head and flicked it onto Dorothy's face which made her sober up very quickly.

Thomas shrugged, "karma."

Dorothy, without a second to spare, lunges from her chair and essentially tackled Thomas out of his. She sat stiffly on his chest while he was still in a a confused daze after having the wind completely knocked out of him. Dorothy grabbed half a fist of mash potatoes off the plate and smeared it on Thomas' cheek.

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