Successfully evading responsibility pt.3

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She is water.
Powerful enough to drown you
Soft enough to cleanse you
Deep enough to save you.

Once the sweets had gone in the oven, the family each went off to do their own thing. Leah and Theo played tag around the estate. Tammy cuddled up with Matilda to read a book by the furnaces so they could keep an eye on the baked goods.

Thomas tried his best to whisk Dorothy away from everyone so they could have some time to themselves. As the day went on, he got increasingly more nervous.

It was a big day, after all.

They sat on the sofa in Thomas' cozy office. Dorothy had her head in Thomas' lap while he played with the her ringlets that formed around her face.

"Y'know how a while ago... you told me you weren't sure if you ever wanted to fall in love?" Thomas picked up another lock and twirled it around his fingers.
"Yes, I do. Why?"

Thomas shrugged, "i dunno. Just asking, I guess. Anything changed since then?"

Dorothy didn't say anything for a moment before she propped herself up slightly. She sat herself down in the comfort of Thomas' lap, which he instinctively responded to by wrapping his arms around her frame.

"A lot's changed since then. But maybe, now I realise that I didn't want what I thought love would be... I know now that love isn't a callback for a job interview, nor is it the fear of relying on one person. Because I know that love isn't a weight, it's more like a key to a cage. It doesn't open the metal bars unless you make it, and even then, it's only the starting point to your journey of freedom. It hasn't made my life better, but it's made me live better."

Thomas stared up at her for a fleeting moment. The weight in his back pocket was agonisingly heavy.  He stared into her features and she looked like divine absolution. She always started where all hope ended. She made him want to drink less, in fear that if he drank too much, her name would burn off his throat.

Thomas fumbled a bit and shifted in his seat. He wondered if life was a box of chocolates, would she be the box or the the contents of which?

"Bonny, what do you think the future looks like, to you?" He stared up into her curious eyes that reminded him of hopeful ambition.

Dorothy smiled and leaned forward to place a sweet kiss on his lips, but it was only reduced to a small peck when Leah thought it good to scream the whole house down that the sweets were ready.

She rested her forehead on his and giggled slightly, shaking her head. She pushed herself off his lap and held an arm out to pull him up.

Thomas responded by tugging her back down again by the hand so she fell back down into his embrace, lying down across his legs, "smooth, Bubs. Very smooth."

Thomas only chuckled and wrapped his arms back around her, "what? I didn't even get a proper kiss!"

Dorothy rolled her eyes and leant in to a deep kiss that made them both close their eyes and go to a happy place that only existed when they were with each other.

They were once again interrupted though, by Leah's shouts not stopping. "We should go before the house burns down."



The moment felt so surreal.

Thomas stood behind Dorothy as she reached into the depths of the furnace with thick red mittens on to retrieve the sweet treats.

Thomas stared at the small kids that sat waiting impatiently on the counter nearby, much like Dorothy did when they used to sit in the bakery together.

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