Slash (6) I'm Gay, He's Straight [boyxboy]

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I screeched to a stop outside Pressure, parked in the taxi rank but I couldn’t have cared less about getting a ticket.

 I could see Kelly and Ollie standing at the corner of the club but no Taylor, and I pushed my way through the crowd of drunk club-goers towards them.

 ‘Where is h-’ I started, but stopped short when I saw Taylor slumped on the ground, eyes rolling back in his head, which was being held upright by Ollie’s new boyfriend, Mikey. ‘Jesus Christ,’ I muttered, horrified, and knelt down to his level. Mikey moved away and I unconsciously took his place beside Taylor. I caught his face in my hands and his eyes focussed on me. Taylor smiled dumbly and tried to reach out to me but his hands flopped back down on his lap; he had no control over his limbs anymore. I rubbed my thumbs softly over his cheekbones and he smiled again, nuzzling my palm with his face.

 I looked up at the others. ‘Should we take him to hospital?’ I asked. I was the only sober one there, but I was just as confused as the others.

Ollie shook his head. ‘There’s nothing they can do for him but keep him under observation until the effects wear off. He’d be more comfortable at home.’

I swallowed and nodded, turning back to Taylor. I slipped one arm around his back and the other under his knees, lifting him so I was carrying him bridal-style.

‘You guys get in the back,’ I said, leading the way to the car. ‘I’ll put Taylor in the front so he has less room to fall over.’ I carefully placed Taylor in the passenger seat after Kelly opened the door for me, and she, Ollie, and Mikey climbed into the back. I strapped Tay in and gave his hand a quick squeeze before running around to the driver’s side and getting in. Starting the car and pulling away from the kerb, I glanced in the rear-view. ‘You guys okay to stay the night at ours?’ I asked Ollie and Mikey, who both nodded wordlessly. They were in shock now that they could shrug off the blanket of responsibility, and I glanced at Taylor, not even wanting to think about what could have happened if they hadn’t been there.

I pulled into the driveway in record time, and sent Kelly and the boys in ahead of me to set up the spare room and move Jenny to the camp bed in Kelly’s room, since obviously Taylor would be staying with me.

I lifted him gently out of the passenger seat, and he wriggled in my arms.

‘I can walk,’ he muttered, trying to get me to put him down.

‘No you can’t, Tay,’ I answered, keeping a tight grip on him.

Taylor blinked a few times. ‘Jake?’

‘Yeah, it’s me. Don’t worry, you’re safe.’

‘Where’s... Where’s that guy?’ Taylor’s eyes widened and I could see panic in his eyes. ‘Where is he? He’ll come back for me, don’t let him take me, please don’t let him take me!’

I could feel tears of anger pricking in my eyes, and I was overwhelmed by the need to protect Taylor from anything that could hurt him.

‘It’s okay Tay, he’s not coming back for you,’ I said, sounding angry even though I hadn’t meant to. ‘I’m here, you’re safe, I won’t let him come anywhere near you.’ I pulled him further towards me and he buried his face in my neck; I could fell his tears, hot and wet, on my skin, and it made me angrier than ever at whatever asshole forced that pill down his throat.

I carried Taylor up the drive and into the house, and eventually laid him out on my bed, where he struggled to sit up. The others came into the room and stood at the doorway, scared and worried.

‘I’ll get him a glass of water,’ Ollie muttered, and he and Mikey left the room again. Kelly walked over and stood beside the bed, where I sat on the edge with my arm around Taylor’s back so he could sit up.

I'm Gay, He's Straight -SERIES- [boyxboy]Where stories live. Discover now