Chapter 15: Going Shopping

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Chapter 15: Going Shopping

When Erica and Jacalyn got back to the loft, Erica, Boyd and Isaac all ended up helping with the preparing of the tacos until Jacalyn kicked the three beta's to the other side of the counter. Peter couldn't help but laugh as it reminded him of when Derek and Laura would try and help. Shaking his head Peter took the opportunity to help finish the cooking.

"You three are planning something, now spill what is it?" Jacalyn asked, looking at the three of them as they sat on the stools and leaned against the counter.

"Erica said you might be able to show us..." Boyd trailed off as Derek walked from the bathroom and headed towards them.

"You haven't done that in a long time Jackie," Derek said, he remembered her showing him and Laura the past after the fire. "Do we need to go home?"

"Maybe, but first how about we eat dinner and I need to think on it?" Jacalyn answered, as she finished cooking up the mince (ground beef) and warming the taco shells.

"So you remember how to cook for wolves?" Peter questioned, Jacalyn rolled her eyes and slapped him upside the head again. "You know little sister, one day you won't be able to do that,"

"Yeah, well until that day comes. Peter, get used to it," Jacalyn smirked as she picked up the bowl of mince and motioned for everyone else to grab a plate.

After dinner, Derek retreated to his room, Peter headed back to his apartment and Jacalyn handed her credit card to Isaac. Like Peter and Derek, she had a fair amount of money due in part to her parents and herself. Isaac raised his eyebrow as he looked at the card in his hand and then at Jacalyn.

"Your birthday," Jacalyn smiled at him, Boyd and Erica looked at one another and then at Isaac.

" used my birthday?" Isaac questioned, Jacalyn simply nodded at him before she spoke.

"Don't go too crazy, okay? Just find him something...and maybe get yourselves something too," Jacalyn told them, Isaac, Boyd and Erica grinned before they were darting off out the loft doors and heading to the mall.

"You really trust three teenagers with your credit card?" Derek questioned, from the doorway where he'd stopped to listen to what his aunt had to say.

"Yes, and did you call your sister?" Jacalyn answered, Derek let out a groan of course she had to bring Cora up. "Derek, Cora needs to be here,"

"Fine, I'll call her," Derek grumbled before retreating fully into his room and collapsing on the bed.

Meanwhile, Boyd, Erica and Isaac had made it to the mall. Since Erica had asked Jacalyn about what Derek would like she dragged the two boys towards one of the three bookshops. The first one they went into, was too crowded and Isaac started feeling overwhelmed so they quickly left. The second one they went into didn't have any copies of the book that Erica wanted to get at all.

"Erica, what are we even looking for?" Boyd questioned as they headed towards the third and final bookshop. "We've been here for forty minutes already,"

"Jacalyn said that Derek used to steal her copy of Lord of the Rings, and he hasn't had a copy in years," Erica answered as they stopped outside what looked to be a used bookshop.

"So you want to get him a copy?" Isaac asked, Erica spun around and faced both of them grinning and nodding.

"Yeah, come on. Lets go see if they have it," Erica grinned looping arms with both Boyd and Isaac and dragging them into the store.

The three teenagers looked around the store and were overcome by a slightly musky smell but they had to continue, they needed to find the book. Erica let go of the two of them and headed to the counter, figuring she may as well ask if they had the book. Isaac and Boyd started wandering down the aisles to see what else there was.

"Boyd! Isaac! They have the book...only it's three books," Erica grinned, that was when she decided that they needed to get all three of them. "If we get all three we can each give him one,"

"How much?" Isaac questioned, once Erica was in their view again. "Erica?"

"Uh...Three hundred dollars..." Erica trailed off, the two boys gaped at her but Boyd figured they were early editions of the books which would be why it cost so much. "So do we do it?"

"Do it," Isaac nodded, he was sure that Jacalyn wouldn't mind especially if it made Derek happy. Erica groaned, she needed Isaac to be the one to actually pay for the books since he had Jacalyn's card. Isaac muttered that he didn't want to have to sign anything. "Just wait there,"

"Isaac!" Erica groaned again before she was left in the store and Boyd and Isaac went out of the shop to find an ATM that they'd spotted earlier.

"We'll be back in a minute, he wants to get money out," Boyd muttered under his breath so that only Erica could hear him.

After Isaac and Boyd found the ATM again, Boyd waited while Isaac used the ATM to get out money but not before texting Jacalyn and telling her what he was doing. A few minutes later Isaac and Boyd were back in the shop with Erica, and the three of them headed to the counter where Isaac paid for the books. They decide that the next mission was to get themselves something – after all Jacalyn had said that they could.

"Isaac, you okay?" Erica asked as they wandered the stores and Boyd held onto the bag with the books.

"Maybe..." Isaac shrugged he wasn't sure if he was. "Last week...she showed me a house that she was looking at...and wanted to know what I thought," Isaac said, he hadn't told either of them what he and Jacalyn had done on their way back from the clinic.

"Really?" Erica questioned, Isaac nodded before Erica started talking again. "I think she really does care about you,"

"I do too," Boyd agreed with Erica, they were slowly getting to know her and saw that she genuinely didn't want Isaac getting hurt. "Scott's too blind to see it...because..."

"He likes me...I know..." Isaac mumbled, he liked Scott too but he didn't like the way that he was acting or treating the Hales.

"You like him too," Erica said throwing an arm around Isaac's shoulder as they walked into one of the clothing stores. "Don't worry we won't say anything,"

The three teenagers took their time trying to find things that they would like that they wouldn't get in trouble for. Erica had a feeling that the only person to ever get in trouble from Jacalyn was Peter, Derek she wasn't too sure on and she didn't know Cora well enough. When they finished finding what they wanted they started on their way back to the loft, but not before they were briefly separated. Erica became frantic when she realised that both Boyd and Isaac were no longer behind her.

"Boyd! Isaac!" Erica shouted looking around the empty street she was in, she didn't like it one bit. "Boyd!" Erica spun around before she stopped and closed her eyes remembering that Derek had told her to concentrate to focus.

"Erica?" Boyd's voice came from somewhere behind her, Erica turned around again and realised that there was alleyway next to her.

"Boyd? Isaac?" Erica questioned flashing her eyes their golden beta colour and looking into the alleyway as they emerged both of them rubbing at their necks.

"Let's get home," Boyd said with Isaac nodding in agreement as the older teen looped arms with Erica and they were on their way back to the loft. 

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