Chapter Sixteen: Theo

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Note: All characters and settings are purely fictional. If there are any similarities to real people or places, it is merely coincidental. The plot was written by me and not copied from any other writer.

"Alright, that's it for today. Go home and rest up for tomorrow's game," Coach announces as he walks to the group of dying football players. Ryland helps lift a few of the players who were lying on the ground in pain. It was the last day of training with Ryland. My body ached everywhere, but there was a special burning in my thighs and arms. Coach and Ryland made me run passing drills until my arms almost fell off. I would need an ice bath when I got home. I groaned at the thought of the relief my body would feel hitting the freezing water.

I stood up, stretching my body in desperation for some reprieve of sorts. The pain was not serious, but it was awful enough to make me hate the soreness I would get the morning after. Honestly, I liked the push. It is crazy to know what I can do when I'm motivated. The thought of Rylee makes me smile. She is my motivation in so many ways. I can't imagine how I would have survived this season without her by my side. That's why I want to make her mines officially. I want her to be mines every season.

I exhale and stretch my body for the final time. I turn towards the benches when I hear someone call my name. I know who it is, and I'm a bit worried. Ryland jogs up to me. He is wearing an old Davenport tee and some black tights. The guy is in shape. The University of Wilcaster is no joke when it comes to football players. It is my dream school and seeing Ryland confirms it is the only place I want to go.

"Can we talk for a minute?" Ryland asks. I nod. Ryland suggests we head to a cool spot by the bleachers, and I follow along. Our practice field was slowly clearing out, except for Hayden and Garrett who were speaking to Coach. I prop myself up on the third level of the bleachers, and Ryland goes a level higher. We sit down taking in the cool breeze as the silence between us weighs in.

"You're a good QB," Ryland says, breaking the silence. I don't turn to look at him. I mutter a quick thanks before changing out my cleats. "Are you interested in UW?"

"Yeah, it is my number one," I reply, taking off my sock. They were soaked, and they reeked. My mom would kill me if I came into the house with these. I make a mental note to wash them as soon as I got home. I'm trying my best not to force Ryland to say what's on his mind. As much as I liked football, it definitely was not a topic I wanted to discuss with Ryland.

"I like her, you know. Rylee, I mean." I splutter. I slip my feet into my sliders and turn to him. His hands are clasped, and he's looking at me concerned. I continue, "I've always liked her."

Ryland frowns, "Then why did you leave her? She was hurt. I swear I wanted to beat the shit out of you and Hayden that day. She came home crying about losing her friends. I felt like a useless big brother when she said I couldn't touch the both of you."

"Because I was jealous and angry-"

"Of what?" Ryland interrupts.

"Of the boy she liked. He was everything she wanted, and I couldn't be." I explain. Ryland jumps up from the bleachers and walks down two levels. He comes in the front of me and put his hands to his sides. He wipes his mouth for a second before looking up at me incredulously.

"You're telling me, you hurt my sister because she liked some other boy? What the fuck were you thinking, Bradshaw?"

I don't know if it was the dormant anger I kept inside me or just the way Ryland was looking at me. But, something triggered me. I pitched up. My fists clenched and my jaw locked. Who the fuck did he think he was? What the fuck did he know?

"Fuck off, Ryland." Ryland rushes up to me until he's up in my face. He's furious, but so am I. I've had enough of his bullshit for one day.

"You a little bitch, Bradshaw," Ryland fumes, he's rocking side to side in frustration. I don't flinch. I'm not scared of him. I'm trying my best not to punch the shit out of him because he's Rylee's brother. But, it is difficult when he's such an arrogant prick.

"I could care less what you think of me, Ryland. You wouldn't understand shit about what happened three years ago." I utter before grabbing my bag and walking away from him. Ryland follows along.

"That's the whole fucking point, Bradshaw! I don't understand. Why the fuck did you hurt her? You ignored her for three fucking years, and then claimed for this season?"

I clench my bag strap and turn to him, "Because she said I wasn't her type because of my skin color. Imagine that. Being in love with a girl for six years knowing she will never like you." I bow my head in frustration. The thought of it still upset me. I hate thinking of myself as inadequate, but when it comes to Rylee, that's how I feel. "I picked her because for a moment, I would like to know what it feels like to be next to her. You can hate me for wanting her. But I'm not going to let anybody ruin possibly the only chance I have to be with her." I explain.

"Lele isn't rac-" Ryland tries to explain. The pained sound of his voice is enough for me to know that this isn't something he expected.

"I know. She has a preference and she's entitled to it. I just wished I was what she wanted."

"How do you know you aren't?"

My head snaps up, "What?"

Ryland walks up to me, "You're a fucking idiot. You know that? If Rylee didn't like you, she wouldn't care as much as she does. Stop holding her to something she said years ago." Part of me froze. Rylee cared about me? My heart warmed at the thought of her possibly returning my feelings. I try to hold back a smile, but it was no use. A smile broke my face and eventually an almost inaudible laugh.

"I swear if you weren't interested in my sister, I would call you a lame for being this whipped. But somehow, I'm relieved to know Rylee affects you this much." Ryland laughs. He pushes me playfully, and I laugh out loud.

"Let's grab something to eat," Ryland states, directing me towards the parking lot. He ruffles my hair in this big brother kind of way. It is much like what my Uncle Lee does to my dad. I push him off me playfully, before he suggests stopping to a diner nearby. I don't know how it happened, but suddenly, being with Ryland was as effortless as being with Hayden. Maybe this was a sign. Maybe Rylee and I did have a chance.

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