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Becca: julia where the fuck are you. why didn't you respond to my texts?

Becca: you literally even opened them

Becca: i only asked if you could come over. you could've just said no as well.

Julia: oh my god fuck i thought i responded to you

Julia: i promise i wanted to text you and i already typed something but it never sent

Becca: it never sent.

Julia: yes i typed the message but it never sent i'm so sorry

Julia: i wanted to tell you where i was and that i would be busy today but would talk to you later

Becca: oh

Becca: so you're busy? with what? where are you?

Becca: you should be at work right? normally you'd text me when you're at work

Julia: no i'm not at work, i called in sick because something happened to one of my old friends from art school and i was really worried so i went to visit her

Becca: who

Julia: doesn't matter. you don't know her, i never talked about her i think

Becca: are you lying to me

Julia: no ofc not why would i lie :(

Becca: idk it feels like you are

Becca: an old friend? you called in sick to visit her? why would you do that

Julia: well yeah we haven't spoken for a few months but she has always been one of my closest friends

Julia: and she needed my help more than anything right now

Becca: why have you never told me about her

Julia: idk probably because i haven't spoken to her anymore ever since you and me got into a relationship so she never really crossed my mind

Becca: and yet you go and call in sick to visit her

Julia: yes because

Julia: there's a long backstory behind it.

Becca: alright

Julia: can you stop being suspicious for once :(

Becca: maybe i could. if you gave me the right energy you always used to have a few weeks ago.

Becca: you've been so distant in the past days

Julia: i know i'm sorry baby i'm so sorry

Julia: i was just so overwhelmed because of so many things that were happening and i didn't really know how to handle it

Julia: i don't know if i told you about this but i've been texting with max a few days ago and he's still mad at me so that fucked me up a little as well

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