CHAPTER 2-Knowledge

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[Indo on his soccer uniform (HUMAN VER.) ART BY MEH]


As my mismatched eye wonder to ever rooms me and Indo passed by, I was so mesmerized of how many rooms are in here. Well, I have to say this school is huge and if you didn't know this was a academy you would have thought that it was a Mansion.

"Since were in second floor, were near the third floor where the principals office is!" Indo explained to me happily, "Oh okay" I simply answered and keep following Indo. "By the way Indo, Thanks for helping me" thanking him, "No problem, this is the least I could do for hitting you with a soccer ball! And thanks to you I can excuse myself on soccer practice!" Indo said happily and I chuckled a little.

Indo keep asking me questions and of course I answer every of it. "Why did you just attend Laurasia?" Indo asked me, curious of why I just attend Laurasia, I mean they already half way through the end of there lesson for the first semester. "Well you father just decided to make me attend since first it will be good for the improvement of my country, since I will be one of the future leaders of my country and second is also to stop Mrs. Laurasia from bugging as through mail just to make may father to send one of us to attend" I explained, well half of it was true with a little lie.

I can't just said the full truth that I was just here because I was hiding from my killers. What if he spread it! I will be found out and be killed, I can't risk that! What if one of those people in here is the person who's behind of all of the attempted assassination we have encounter.

"Ohhh, I see" Indo said. We have finally reach the third floor and Indo said that around the corner is the principals office, when we have finally reach in front of the door in the principal. I knock before we enter.

"Oh, are you the new student?" said a tall man probably around his 20s wearing a gray suit, his flag has 12 star forming a circle. If I'm correct this is probably Mr. EU. "Yes, I'm" I send, me and Indo enter and as we both inside Indo slam himself on one of the sofa and relax. "Oh, Mr. UN is waiting for you" he said, I nod and left my baggage to Indo as I enter the office where Mr. UN is.

When I enter I see a man in sitting on the swivel chairs around his 30s, wearing a white suit, that I think probably is Mr. UN and there in one of the chairs was a another man in his 20s and wearing a black suit. I think I saw him before talking to my father about something, If I'm correct his Mr. Asean.

"Good Morning Sir" I greeted them, "Good Morning to you too, Have seat Mr.-" "Philippines but call me Phil sir" I answered and sat across of Mr. Asean.

"Ah yes, Mr. Philippines Welcome to Laurasia Academy for Boys, and finally you have accepted are invitation" Mr. UN said "I will be straight to the point, here's is you room keys and your schedule you will be in dorm A, Oh and your stuffs, your uniform and your school supplies are all in your room already. Hope you enjoy here" Mr. UN said and smiling "Of course Sir, Thank you very much" I said and took the keys and the schedule and get up and got out from the office. I look at the schedule to see my classroom'1-A' and look at the my keys and there also written 'A-60'.

"So what class you are?" I jump a little bit due to Indo suddenly close beside him, "Oh sorry if I scared you" Indo apologized "It's fine, and according here to my schedule I was in 1-A" I answered.

"Whoa! Really!? That my class too, Isn't this amazing! Were classmate" he happily said and wrap his arms around me. I just simply smiled and nod to say yes.

"Oh yeah, what's your dorm and room no.?" he asked "A-60" I simply replied and his face turn happy to a disappointed look. "Aww, I'm A-37 where not in the same floor" he said while pouting, "That fine atleast we can see each other in classroom right" I said

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