CHAPTER 11-The Date

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I  wake up in the sound of footsteps, running in the hall, and loud murmurs accompanying it. Why there's a commotion happening early this morning? I look at the time and it's already 7:13 A.M already, I mean it's Saturday usually some people are still asleep at this time. I get up and get outside and get inside the elevator and press the button to the lobby since I think they all headed there.

As the elevator opened, the booming voice of a whining girl immediately greeted me. 

What the Fuck? I get close to where all the commotion happening. There standing a girl that's probably a city leader, she all adorn with bright pink. I mean she is wearing full pink head-to-toe. 

"What do you mean, that China isn't here!" The girl shouted at the receptionist. 

"I'm sorry Ma'am, Mr. China is currently not here right now. He just leaves at 5 of the morning." The receptionist simply replied.

"Who's with him?! Tell me now!" The girl demanded.

"I'm sorry, but Mr. China simply said that he is going on a date" 

We all gasp on shocked at what the receptionist has revealed. China? Going on a date! Is this some kind of joke?!

"What! who is she! Tell me! This could not be happening! Does he has someone with him!? Probably that guy demonizes him to go on a date with some nobody!" The asked.

[A/N: Fun fact, while writing this. I write it in a very annoying whining voice. I don't know why though. Send Help]

"I'm sorry we cannot tell you furthermore information" 

"Ugh! You are all useless! Let's go! Probably his in the mall somewhere" The girl turns around and walks away with 2 of her bodyguard.

"Indo!!!!!!!" I look and see Mal running towards me. 

"Why are you shouting?" 

"I can't find Phil!" Mal said while shaking both of my shoulders.

"Probably, he's just asleep. You know, we stay up late right? Then probably he's still tired" I explain.

"No, I have been knocking on his door for hours now! And he always answers the door, but he didn't answer the door! I think Phil get kidnap!" He still continues to shake me.

"Probably, he's now awake. Come on, let's check on him" I said and drag him to Phil's dorm room. I mean Phil is new here, he doesn't know much about Laurasia. He knows few people here in Laurasia Academy, so I think it's impossible for him to be outside alone. 

I knock on his door. No one's answered, I knock again, and still, no one's answered.

"Phil!! Are you there!! Answered the door, please!! Phil!!! We beg you!!!" I start to bang the door louder, as there is still no one answering.

"Phil!!!" Mal also joins me in banging on his door. Then the door in the other room opened, we look who came out, and it's South Korea.

"Yo, what's up with you all. Banging the door, this early on the morning. Do you know that there are people still sleeping?" He said and yawn. "Oh Indo, Mal what are you doing making noises this early?" South asked. Then the people next door came out also, it was Vietnam.

"Bọn khốn nạn! (Motherfuckers!) Did you know someone is still sleeping over here!" He shouted.

"South! We need your help! So are you Vietnam!" I said and hold both South's shoulders.

"What the fuck do you need? Can't you see I still want to sleep? I want my sleep back!" Vietnam complained.

"It's about Phil!" Mal blurt out.

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