Chapter Two

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Weeks later, the Wanderlust sailed into the harbour at Deor-Morcea. It was an interesting town. Even from a distance, Tanden could see the old Morcean bones of the buildings. He knew all about the history of the place, he'd read about it and asked plenty of questions while in Deoran ports. Seeing it in person was different, though, and gave him a thrill of excitement. This was a brand new place. Same people he was used to, Deorans, but it was a step in the right direction.

Getting there without a first mate had been both harder and easier than Tanden had imagined. Handling the ship hadn't been a problem, the crew worked seamlessly together after so many years, but there were little things Tanden noticed. He hadn't realized how much he'd relied on Vosh, even for the simplest things like making sure he'd eaten. He had a tendency to get distracted or caught up in the moment, and Vosh had quietly kept him on track. Tanden missed him, and it didn't help that many of his other sailors were trying to step up and get promoted. None of them properly filled the gap and mostly they just got in his way.

They moored off of one of the bigger piers. Even in an unfamiliar port, the Wanderlust got a cozy place in the port. Tanden hopped off of the ship while his sailors secured her, and went to pay the harbourmaster. Soon, they'd reached an agreement for the cost and Tanden had managed to befriend the man enough to get some insider tips about the town. He returned to the Wanderlust, gave half his crew leave, and set out to take his own break. He'd deal with the cargo distribution later; they were going to be in Deor-Morcea for about a week. First, he wanted to explore.

He wandered the streets of the town, taking in the sights, peeking into a couple of shops and dropping in on more than a few conversations. People were always pleasantly surprised when he addressed them in Deoran instead of making them speak in messy Teltish. He loved being able to explore alone. He wasn't a lord or a captain, he was just a Teltan, a fact which already got him enough attention.

He eventually decided it was time to get some food and made his way to the tavern the harbourmaster had described to him. The harbourmaster had sworn it was the best one around, and as Tanden pushed open the door he was convinced. It was loud, smoky, and completely packed. It was further away from the port than most taverns which attracted sailors, so its popularity could only be because it was good. Tanden scanned the room and didn't see any of his sailors. They would have gone to the cheaper taverns and brothels near the port.

Tanden was about to head to a little table in one of the back corners, where he could relax and observe the locals, when he noticed someone at the bar. A Crelan among all the Deorans. Tanden started across the tavern. Seeing a Crelan on Mora shouldn't have been unusual, but he hadn't noticed another Ziannan ship in the port. He sat down beside the Crelan and waved at the bartender. A moment later a tankard of ale was placed in front of him and he took a long drink.

"How long have you been in Deor-Morcea?"

The Crelan jumped a little at the sound of Teltish. He looked at Tanden in confusion. He was younger than Tanden had originally thought, and better looking. Typical dark Crelan hair, clear green eyes, and the edges of a tattoo showing around his collarbone.

Tanden pressed on with his questioning, even though he hadn't been given an answer. "Extended shore leave?"

The Crelan shook his head. "Fired."

"Fired?" Tanden swallowed another mouthful of ale. "Mind if I ask why?"

The Crelan turned his attention back to the empty tankard in his hands. "I fought with my captain. So he left me here."

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