Chapter Twelve

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Tanden woke up groggy and angry at himself. He sat up slowly, trying to ignore the pounding in his head. It was very bright in the room, which meant he had overslept and the crew would be waiting, confused, on the Wanderlust. Tanden closed his eyes and groaned.

"Here, Captain." Soren appeared beside him and pressed a cup of water into his hand. Tanden opened his eyes to glare at Soren for the intrusion, but drank the water obediently. When he held out the cup Soren refilled it instead of taking it. Carefully, Tanden shuffled backwards so he could lean against the headboard. He held the cup in two hands and sipped it slowly.

It didn't escape his notice that, aside for his jacket, boots and belt, he was wearing the same clothing as he had to the feast. His memories from the night before were hazy, but he could rule out at least one activity. Soren was also wearing the same clothing, but he'd taken off his vest and rolled up the sleeves of his tunic.

Tanden cleared his throat and took another sip of water. "What happened?"

"You don't remember?"

Tanden sighed heavily. "I remember dancing with Clairia, and I remember talking to you. Sit down. Tell me what happened. What did I do?"

Soren sat on the edge of the bed. He held the water jug on his lap. "You didn't do anything, exactly. I dragged you up here before you could," he said. "But you went on about it wasn't fair that you couldn't kiss me and how people wouldn't judge you because you're a lord, but they'd hurt me. You were pretty insistent that I'd get hurt."

Parts of the conversation with Clairia were coming back. "Oh. That would be because Clairia told me I should ask you to dance."

"I... uh... didn't know you could dance."

"I'm a lord, Soren. Of course I can dance. What else did I say?"

"Not much." Soren shifted how he was sitting. Did he look uncomfortable? Tanden shook his head in an attempt to clear it and instantly regretted it. Soren continued, "You mentioned a knight. Sir Atricell."

Tanden chuckled. "I think about Acell every time I'm in West Draulin. Not surprised I'd bring him up. And then?"

"You got distracted by tattoos for a bit. I told you you could see mine if you came along, and I managed to get you up here. Then you goaded me into saying that you're—" Soren glanced away. "—my lover. And then you lay down and went to sleep."

"Well, sorry to have put you through that, mate." Tanden leaned forward so Soren could refill his cup. "See, I try not to get drunk. Especially not in West Draulin. I need to be careful here. Any indiscretion could be seen and reflect badly on my family. I'm enough of a burden as I am, no need to fuel the flames of disrespect. So... thank you for dragging me up here. Now, I should probably find Rael and apologize for heading out early."

"It wasn't that early, and I asked a servant to let him know you'd gone to bed. Can I ask something?"

Tanden nodded. As much as he wanted to get the conversation with his brother over with, getting out of bed seemed far too difficult. It was easier to sit and talk.

Soren stared down at the water jug. "You said that Sir Atricell was fun, but that I'm better. Why am I better?" His gaze flicked up quickly before nervously dropping again. "I just mean... last night you implied that it's because I'm a Crelan."

"Oh, no. Soren, mate, Acell was fun. But it was all physical. There was a period of time I'd drag him in here whenever I had a chance. But we weren't friends in the way you and I are. He was one of my knights. He wanted to be in the army and defend people – admirable ambitions, of course, I'm not trying to imply that I disapprove. But I dismissed him and all of my knights because they had no interest in exploring the world with me. You do. I can tell you're genuinely interested when I spout facts about wherever we happen to be. Most people ignore me, but not you. That's why you're better. I enjoy sleeping with you, of course. But I also enjoy talking to you, walking through new cities with you, spending time with you. And on top of all that, you play along with the game and you taunt me back. It's not just because you're a Crelan."

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