Chapter Ten

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Soren was surprised to find that not much changed aboard the Wanderlust. The tasks he was given as first mate didn't feel any different than what Tanden had him doing before he'd been given the title. The biggest difference in terms of workload was that Tanden wanted him to understand the ledger and know what cargo and shipments they had in the hold. It wasn't hard, Soren found it easy enough to remember what they had. As they made their way down the coast and finally west along the coast of Deorun, stopping at every decently sized city, Soren found himself frequently handling their trading alone while Tanden saw to other tasks. The best part of the title was getting his own small cabin and not having to sleep in a hammock.

Neither did his relationship with Tanden change much, to Soren's relief and slight bewilderment. Tanden was every bit as confusing as he used to be, and he often left Soren hoping he was playing the game correctly. Every time Soren thought he'd gotten the hang of it, Tanden would say or do something that would confuse him again.

In an attempt to get to West Draulin as quickly as possible, they never stayed in a city longer than a few hours. Just long enough to unload or take on cargo, and refill their water and food supplies. After the nights in Stanin—that first night on the ship, and two more in taverns—Soren found himself constantly wishing they would stop somewhere overnight. But aside for the teasing, flirting and occasionally kissing, not much happened.

Now that he had finally admitted that he wanted more, Soren found waiting frustrating. When West Draulin appeared in the distance, the crew was excited for a proper break. Soren was excited for a chance to spend time with Tanden away from the crew.

It wasn't until they sailed into the port that it really occurred to him what city they were visiting and who Tanden was there.

"We made it, gentlemen!" Tanden shouted from his usual place on the bulwark. "We're home once again, our Lady Wanderlust is sitting safely in her home berth. You all know what that means, aye? Proper time off!" Tanden continued speaking over their cheers. Usually he would pause and allow them a moment, but he was anxious to disembark. He knew that the moment they'd sailed close enough to be recognized, someone had run up to the castle to announce his arrival. The last thing he wanted was a big deal made about him in the port. "We will be sailing for Crele in a week. You all have this entire week off. Be on your best behaviour, lads, don't go embarrassing me in our home city! You can see Soren for your salaries." He signalled the end of his speech by hopping down to the deck.

Quickly, he grabbed Soren's arm and pulled him away before the crew could swarm him for their money. "Do you have plans in West Draulin? Anyone to visit?"

Soren shook his head. "No, Captain."

"Once you're finished dealing with the pay, come up to the castle. I'd wait, but my brother will have me drawn and quartered if I don't go see him right away. I'll tell the guards at the gate to expect you."

Soren looked at him blankly. "You want me at the castle?"

"Of course I do. I'll see you soon, aye?"

"Um, right. Aye."

Tanden clapped him on the shoulder heartily. "Good. Thanks, mate." He ducked into his quarters to grab a bag, and left the ship promptly, not wanting to get caught up with the men.

As a child, West Draulin had bored him. Now, Tanden enjoyed visiting. It was nice to be home, and he loved seeing Tandrael's children. Tanden strolled through the port leisurely. There was something nice about hearing Teltish being spoken on every side. He saw a few guards patrolling, but none of them gave him too much of a look.

The port gave way to the large houses that belonged to the wealthy and lesser nobility. Soon, a wall appeared in front of him. The portcullis was flanked by multiple guards. Tanden walked up to one of them.

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