Chapter Sixteen

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Tanden hadn't been wrong. He had very quickly arranged a meeting with Lord Nata Co, and the very next day they were back on the Wanderlust getting ready. Unlike the dinner party in West Draulin, Tanden knew exactly what to wear. Crelan nautical jackets were very normal on Crele. Nata often wore them himself, so Tanden knew it would be acceptable.

When Soren came into his quarters, Tanden had very carefully slipped on his jacket and was doing up the buttons. Soren was wearing the same dark vest and blue tunic that he'd worn to the dinner party, with his cutlass hanging from his belt. Tanden eyed him thoughtfully. "I could still do without the tunic."

"Doubt Lord Co would approve," Soren said, much like he had the last time. "Ever met him?"

Tanden nodded. Moving his arms to do up his jacket's buttons was tugging the clothing over his back uncomfortably, and he dropped his hands with a sigh. "A few times, yes."

Soren started doing up the buttons before Tanden could even ask. "What's he like?"

Tanden shrugged, unthinking, and winced with a hiss. Once the sharp pain had subsided, he said, "He's nice. Less formal than Rael, speaks with Crelan jargon sometimes. Makes sense, given that he grew up here."

"What's your excuse?"

"Don't have one. I use the jargon intentionally, mate," Tanden said with a grin. "Honestly, I believe he and I would be great friends if we were closer in age. As it is, West Draulin and Crele have friendly relations."

"Don't you mean Co? He's Lord Co."

"Of course he is, but Co is the only city on Crele with a noble family important enough to count in politics."

Soren frowned. "You mean the only Teltish noble family on the Island."

Tanden hesitated. It hadn't been his intention to sound racist, he had no patience whatsoever for racist people. But he could see how it had sounded. "No, mate. Co's just the largest city on the island. It's similar on West Draulin, isn't it? Vasel and Lothin have nobles, but compared to West Draulin they don't hold much power. Didn't mean anything by it."

"But does it ever occur to you that all the big nobles are Teltish?" Soren asked.

"'Course it does. But that's a product of our history, mate. Not much I can do about that," Tanden pointed out. "I know Crele used to have a king, but all that happened four hundred years ago. Nata's family has been in charge of Crele since then. I know it wasn't fair, but that's the way it happened. Changing it now wouldn't be fair, either. Besides, I thought Crelans liked the Natrias family."

Soren shrugged. "Reckon they're not that bad."

Tanden smiled. "Reckon you like the Tandrans better? Being a loyal West Draulin citizen?"

"Maybe one Tandran, in particular," Soren replied. "And the young ones aren't that bad, either."

Although he'd finished with the buttons, he was still close enough for Tanden to tug him closer for a kiss. "But before this. You liked my family, didn't you?"

"Aye. Most people in West Draulin like the Tandrans," Soren said. "You have a reputation of being very fair and thoughtful."

Tanden laughed. "What, me?"

"Reckon you're the exception," Soren teased.

Tanden kissed him again and lingered longer than before. It was Soren who finally pulled away.

"We're going to be late."

"Captain Lord Tanden of West Draulin, and my First Mate Soren. We have a meeting with Lord Co."

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