Online Accidental Relationship.

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In this chapter I'm going to tell you about online dating relationship but this relationship remained on online only, ain't went further. I am not pointing any relationship.This happened accidentally and finished off very consciously and smartly. This could happen with anyone.

This is a story of a girl who is just 22 years old single. She has lot of dreams in life. Having good job, beautiful house and of course a dream boy. She always longed for a boyfriend. She always been shy person. She can not mix-up with anyone very easily. This is the reason she remained single since her school days. Stacey is really good looking girl and having very sweet nature any boy can fallen in love with her very easily.

Stacy living with her father. Her father is retired man and good old looking guy. Stacey mother had left long back. Stacey has found hers father's love.

(Morning time)

" Stacy wake up, you getting late for school" . Father said in soft note to Stacy when he found her laying on bed till now.

"Yeah' dad give me few more mins. Let me take short nap". Stacy whined.

"Nope, wake up now. I won't take you to drop you school . Better you get ready". Father said before closing Stacy's room door.

Stacy is a very lazy girl. She can not do any house hold work not even she can do her own chores. She is that lazy pig. Eventually she got up from her bed, went to take hot shower. But the problem is she doesn't like to take bath. She is that fucking smelling pig. Even her father was fed up from her behavior. But her friends doesn't know about her disgusting reality. Anyways.

She came downstairs, her breakfast was ready.

" Hmm daddy food fragrance is so good" she sniffed food before taking on plate from bowl.

"Yeah dad. I really appreciate your special efforts. You cook very nice. I loved your hand made foods. Some day I also want to learn certain cooking trick's from you". I said in joyful with happy mood.

" You know what from where I did learnt these cooking's , gave a little pause in between and dropped his head down, from your mother. He raised his head again. Looking at me in my eyes. I could feel that pain in his eyes. I can see tears in his eyes.

"My dad is a very brave man. I know you are warrior". I said in weak voice.

I got up from my chair and sat on my dad's chair handle. Snaked my hands around him, rested my head on his shoulder.

"I know dad you loves mom so much. But sometimes we have to accept fact's. She is not with us now. Even she never bothered to call us. Then why would we think about her" I said in very soft note.

Got up from dad's chair handle after patted him on his back.

"Anyways dad I may getting late and stop being a Romeo, your Juliette doesn't love you". I said in process gathering my school stuff's belongings from the table.

" Stacy keep your dishes in sink before moving out" my father yelled from my back.

" I am sorry dad your gloomy face taken my half of the time, bye". I closed the entrance door at my back.

( Stacy reached school)

" Hey! my girl. Great nice to see you on time dear. I wasn't expecting". My dear friend genie mocked at me.

"Oh! Yeah do you think ". I gave her very weird and funny smile in process saying these words.

She laughed hilariously on my face expressions.

"I hope I have not irritated you". She said playfully.

"You know, you always do bitch". I yelled at her.

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