Someone Is There Who's Watching You Paranormal part 2

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I am not doing well since few days. I need some sympathy guys🤪

Now don't think due to my sickness the chapter got delayed , nothing is like that. Sometimes you feels lazy, gets no words on head. Feels need to be escaped for a while. That's what I was been going through. But the writting never stops. It always goes on as said show must goes on wheather things exists or not. 🤔
Anyways shove this aside and gets into the story.
I love lazy talks 🤪
I mean silly talks.😁💩

As I always say read, vote and comments.

Yes guys vote 💩

As soon as I turned around, my table file flew towards me.

I fell down on the ground while covering my face by my hands.

There was a strange strange sound echoing in the entire office.

Entire office lights started blinking like crazily.

I ran out of the office. Eventually somehow I reached at ground floor.

I was trying to open the enterance door but it got stuck. I don't know what was the reason door got stuck. I was pulling harder towards me but it didn't opened.

Then I felt that someone was coming from behind me, the heavy feet steps sound was coming from behind me.

I put my full efforts to open the door. The door opened I saw a figure again in the door enterance and I screamed out in fear.

Aaaaahhhhhhh , my hands were resting on my both ears.

" Hey, baby what hapened, are you okay? It was Mathew my boyfriend. He held my tighter in his arms.

I bursted into tears. I could not able to control the fear in me. I started crying like a baby.

He made me sat, gave me water to drink. I drank. After few mins I was feeling better. My heart stopped pouncing crazily.

I told him what did I saw. I took him in my cabin also to show him the table and files were scattered on the floor. My surprised when we went up all things were at its places.

He held me from my both arms sides, made me sat in the chair. Crouched down front of me.

" Come on do you think , these things really exist" he started laughing at me.

"I also don't believe in such thinks but I have experienced it. I don't know what was that but" he cutted me off.

" You know , you have never taken off. You need mental break. Come along. Sleep little , you will feel better. He trailed his hand on my temple till jaw line.

I went home , took some fine rest. Next morning was good. I literally forgotten what had happened to me last night.

I wasn't in mood to go office today even Mathew also doesn't want me to go anywhere. Before awaken up he already made a day plans for both of us.

We did lot of things. I felt like buying something for myself.

So I asked Mathew let's go to mall and check out some new clothes brands.

I did so much shopping, bought lot of clothes for myself. Yes, girl. I am so girly, I need lot of clothes. Mathew didn't bought anything for himself. He is little bit more matured than me, lol, kidding, he is not fond of clothes. He is more into eatting part, ehu I mean food.

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