Cheating On First love Part 3

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Am I getting to boring?. mama loves to write hun L.O.L
So as you guys asking me when I am uploading my new chapters. So let me tell you each an everyone. My hands are on 3 books simultaneously . 1)Dark side of life (Online dating) , 2) Unborn and 3) No One Sees The Cry In A Smile.
So I am trying my best to upload 3 of them on every week. But I assure you all guys, on every week you guys will see uploads on each book. And I am coming up with more new books plans from onwards. I am willing to write 2 more books. As I have 2 idea's on my head. One is on paranormal and second is on brutally murdered. But all concepts will be new, totally new. I bet you, you guys must have not read these concepts ever. And paranormal book will be based on my personal experiences. I totally believe on paranormal, infact something indicted me that ,there is something which exist. We just can feel it. It will be completely amazing and thrilling. So stay tuned for 2 more books to come.
This journey was never be possible without your support my dear people. We are turning Into small family now.

I literally didn't knew which image I should pick for this chapter. As you people known me how much I am evil lover 😈💯. I hope you guys are enjoying reading . If you guys having suggestions so please drop your messages on my message box. I love to see.

Enjoy read, vote and comment.😁
Take note of it, I asked vote 🤪yeah!

No more talks , let's dig into it. I mean into story :p

"This is not good. You are avoiding me. Don't forget. I always comes in your help in your bad times" Carol came close to me, placed her hand on my shoulder. Squeeze it little harder to divert my mind from eatting.

"Ouch what the fuck you doing. I looked at Carol. Drifted my eyes back to eatting.

" Why do you always whines. Cry baby" ,she sat right front of me on the front chair, straight facing me. She interlaced her fingers. Placed her elbows on the table and her chin on the fist.
Honestly at the moment I really not liking her smile. But I can not deny she always played part to save me from Clark anger earlier, now it is different we both are into different relationship from last night.
" Jesus. I sighed heavily when my dear friend snaped me out from my assumptions.

" I believe you are in day dream. Will you come back to our land rather than wandering here and there like a haunted girl" she laughed at me.

I am already pissed of and now her melo drama, she is trying to irritate me. " This is no fun Carol" before diging into my meal I yelled at her. I was so pissed on Clark that I forgot to eat my meal. I started diging my meal with my fork. My head was resting my other hand.

"What's app, why are you so gloomy" Carol leaned her head towards me.

"You have no idea. I am going through which problems" I sighed while explaining her. I know she is only a person who could give me better advice than anyone.

Before diging into depth of conversation she ordered a coffee for herself. She is coffee lover. When she get grip on coffee cup in her hands. Idea started flooding on her head.
So eventually she got a coffee, she took sip of it.

"Well, dear friendy first you need to tell me your issues then after I could give you some suggestions. Carol said while sipping her hot coffee.

"You didn't know what had happened last night , me and Clark had made out in the basement last night. I thought it was just for once and then things over. I was too high at that night. I couldn't able to control my desire and I let myself went in flow with him. But things have changed. This Clark never had soft corner for me but now I am seeing, he developed soft corner for me. Did you noticed he didn't yelled at me after knowing I came late today" I held my head with big headache.

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