__Star ( Shines in Sludges)

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It's very painful when your own people don't give you that respect as you desires.

All fingers aren't same. In the same way all people aren't that much talented as much other's are.

We all should learn to embrace other's how they are rather than pointing them.

I thought I should go to class room but rather than going classroom. I ended up my night in the club.

Yes, I am more party girl and fun loving girl.

I wouldn't deny that I have so much pain in my heart it not because I have been criticised by people either by my families.

It because I am not happy with myself.

I am very an average student.
I always been criticised by my looks and dark skin.

My siblings have perfect skin tones but I am merely the one who got darkish skin tone.

But still everything is okay, if you wanted to.

But in my life all things are up side down.

I am 15 years old girl. Who have lots of issues in my life.

Related to my studies, friends and hormones changes.

It is very tough for me to deal with my inner demon.

Why my parents doesn't like me cause I never listened to them not cause they are wrong, cause it's my life. Cause of my hormones.

I have fullest right to live my life. Why would I let anyone else lead me.

It's my life, my experiences and my mistakes.

You can not learn things without doing mistakes.

Even my parents have done so much mistakes in their lives and they all learned lot of things from those blunders.

So now what's worng, if I am doing the same.

That is why it's called a life. Do mistakes and learn out of it.

So I am here in the club melloing myself from inside. I don't have much friends. Cause I have never been liked by anyone.

I thought club is the best place to forget your sorrows due to the loud music.

I stepped inside. People were dancing on the dance floor. Girls were shaking their booties in drunken conditions.

I headed towards the counter. Sat on the chair, ordered fine drink for myself.

I feel really relaxed in the loud music. It's honestly a nice way meloing your all sorrows emotions in one shot.

I was in half drunken state. I didn't noticed the time.

It was 12am. I have not been out of the house for so long.

I was half drunken. Can not do anything. I have to go home in this condition.

I was little scared but more than I was scared being criticised.

There was some noises coming out of the house.

Like my parents and siblings are up.

I inhaled deeply before rang the door bell.

As soon as the door opened. I got tight smacked on my face. My face covered by my hair strand, due to tight smack jerk my face turned onto right direction.

That's my mother. She didn't asked me where were you? Why are you late? Nothing. She directly smacked on my face before interrogating further.

I shaked my head to remove hair strand from my face in attitude.

Tear didn't rolled down.

Straight I pierced my eyes into my mother's eyes.

" Look at this Girl Annual. How did she is staring me? My mother complaint to my dad with disgusting face. Moving front of me, made her way inside.

" Olivia look down. She is your mother" my father yelled at me.

" Oh! my my what an attitude she has? Look at her mother. She is spoiled brat" my sister said while increasing her steps towards my direction.

I stared down in sadden face.

As I stepped inside , heading towards the staircase. My elder sister caught me by my arm and pulled me back.

Due to the jerk I lose my balance and fell down on the ground.

" Hey, what did you do? Bring your mouth close to my nose" she held my chin from her hand and forcibly she strived to sniff my breath.

I strived harder to loosen myself from her grip but all attempts were failed.

Strength wise she was more stronger than me.

" Hey! Mother she is drunken" she yelled aloud to let my dad also know indirectly.

"Let me go" I struggled to set myself from hers grip.

" Nobody can safe you tonight" she smirked evilly at me. She pulled my head through hair backward giving immense jerk on my neck.

At this time my father came in and he smacked me tightly on my face.

My cheeks turned into red colour.

" Can not you learn good things from your siblings. Don't you feel any responsibilities on you. I am sured you aren't my child" my father staring at me like he has done a big mistake giving me birth.

My mother was standing at the right direction on the kitchen entrance..

Simultaneously I looked my mother than my father. My sister was smiling behind my dad.

There was no pain, no sorrow on my face. It seems my all tears has drained somewhere deep inside me.

I had pride on my face. My eyebrows were tensed.

Without saying anything I started to head towards my room upstairs. When I was in half way of staircase.

I turned around towards my parents.

I broke my silence.

"Dad everything is fine" I said with stony face.

"As soon as I entired mother smacked me. You blamed me. Did any of you have asked where I was and why I am drunken?" A pain reflected on my face

I proceed further

"You always compared me with sisters and bro but did you gave a single thought that all people aren't same.

If they have bornt with multiple qualities and talents and if I am not , is it my fault? There was pin drop silence. My mother and father just kept staring me without uttering a word.

Immediately I rushed to my room, closed room door from inside.

Tears escaped from my eyes. I crouched down. I can not resist my tears. I palmed my face, I cried until all my tears drained out.

How are you people?

I hope you are all doing great.

Don't you guys have noticed one thing. I am very constant in writting now.

Yes, it's really motivates me when I see you guys are liking and reading my book.

Feeling is really unexpressible guys.

Stay safe and stay healthy.

Love you all.
Stay tuned.

Stay tuned is my pet set words. 😬

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