Never forgetable

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Hie guys. I know I make story on Online dating what theme I have decided for my story but I don't know why. Today I feel like writing something different. This story is not on online dating at all. This is story of a man how he struggled in his life to become a successful but more than successful. He was passionate towards his work. He was obsessed with his work. This is a story of a guy who is not only got success in his life rather he inspired the people and lived in their hearts. (Forever) I hope you guys will enjoy.


Kevin is from very small town boy
louisiana. He had big dreams like an any other boy. He wanted to conquer the world. Kevin had 4 elder sisters and 2 older brother's than him. He was only a small child in his house. Kevin's father brought up Kevin with lots of pampered. He pampered by his all older brother's and sister's too. He brought up as a Prince. Kevin is 17 year's old. He is very sharp mind it guy. He had so much interest in studies. He wanted to be an engineer.

Kevin just sitting in his back Yard of the house.

"Hey! Kevin how are you doing my boy. You seems bit upset" Kevin's dad asked.

"Nah dad I am alright" Kevin said while taking a long deep breathe.

"Anything is about to worry kevin" dad asked with little concerned vocal.

"No dad I am perfectly doing great. Do you think I am worried for something" Kevin asked

"May be I have not seen you sitting alone like this before. So I thought might be there is something bothering you" dad said.

"Dad your son is quiet smart to handle worries. Let the time come I will tell you. Till then you need not to worry for anything" Kevin said with assurance tone

"Guys come in, dinner is ready" Kevin's sister yelled from in side of the house.

" Hey! Boys will you stop talking. Meal is ready. I don't want your meals get cold. Please come in have your meals before getting cold" Kevin's sister yelled inside of the house.

"Yeah! Boy let's get in. Your sister would not spare me" father said jockingly.

Kevin and his father went inside of the house. Kevin's mother, elder brother's and sister's all were their's on the dinning table.

"Kevin what did I made for you tonight"sister asked in excitement.

"Hmm, well, I don't know, sorry Sissy I can not guess. Will you tell me openly what did you cooked Tonight" Kevin asked.

"Ham bacon sauces. You love it. Yeah! Oh yeah you do" sister said.

"Wow that's great . Kevin look everyone's cares for you so much. Don't you feel special every day" elder brother said jockingly and slapped on Kevin's head back playfully.

"Ouch, I think dude you feeling jealousy everyone's loves me so much" Kevin winking in processing saying and elbowed on elders brother stomach playfully.

Kevin has habit to talk to her mother before sleep. Kevin is quiet close to his mother. After 1 hours talks he went to bed to sleep.

Next morning Kevin has got called by his friends in the park. He went to meet his childhood school friends.

"Yo dude what's up" Kevin hi five his rest friends when he reached the spot.

All guys welcomed Kevin with hi fives and hand shakes.

"Yup! Tell me what happened? Why guys you called me" Kevin enquired.

" Come on Kevin don't you know our 12th grade result is coming out. Are you tensed about it" friend asked.

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