My Life Upside-down ( Porn Star)

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Almost my life is sucked.

I want to enjoy my life in my own terms and conditions but sometimes you have to listen some unwanted people in life.

It's does not mean I don't love my family but I have my own life now. I am not child anymore.

Still I knew I could not go against my parents after all they love me. I knew they wanna be more protective like others parent's.

Sometimes I appreciate them but sometimes things make me feels chocked.

Anyways my life is now in my parents hands. I become their's puppet now.

All time my parents keep on spying on all my movements.

Even though I can not use my cell phone. Holy crap. Whose parents does that, dammit.

I started taking my home education.

I am never been good in studies. I always been humiliated by my own siblings.

I never showed them how much it's hurts me when my own parents and siblings counts me with theirs achievements.

As I am not going anywhere. I started giving priorities to my studies now.

Somehow I managed get good scores. Things seems little sort it out now.

I wasn't really happy staying in home but something really happened good with me now, since I starting studying from home.

My study improved, even my parent's aren't that much bitter with me anymore, neither my siblings.

I wasn't satisfied but yes, I am happy now in my life with my family.

But this happiness wasn't last for long.

One day I got a message on my cellphone. Saying if you are interested in modeling so please contact me.

I was too happy read that, I aware of my families rules and regulations that I can not do modeling as my parents don't like that.

Still there was little curiousity on my mind. So I dailed on message no. To check wheather it's real either fake.

My surprised after 15 secs ring tone, some one picked up the call.

There was the gents voice on other line.

" Yes, ms. Tell me how can I help you" that guy said very softly.

" Hi, my name is Olivia, just few mins back I got a message from your end offering something modeling job" I pursued my lips after finished off.

"Yes, ms. You are absolutely right. Are you interested into this job" he asked.

" I can not assure you, I just gave a call to know what is this all about that's it" I asked in hesitation.

" Ofcourse I love to explain you but talking over calls you would not understand the job requirement. If it's possible for you drop in my office once just for few mins so that will be more easier for me to explain you each an very thing" he ended up long sentences in one breath.

"  Ahh" I got stuck in ahh, I didn't know how to react on his words either how to convince him. I can not leave my house alone.  How to tell him my parents aren't interested in modeling job, if they will come to know, they will never allow me.

"Hello" he snaped my out from my day dreams.

" Are you there" he asked.

" Yeah, I am on line" I replied him back hesitatily, " but I can not come to your office as I am not allowed leave my home without my guardian permissions" I pursed my lips again. I felt I literally habitual pursing my lips everytime.

"It's okay I have given you my address on message whenever you feel you can drop in, you can" he disconnected the call before I could say.

I was totally stunned from his behaviour. Anyways I shoved this aside. I even not keen to enquire further.

There was just a curiosity that's all.

Things were going on track but one evening my life upside-down totally.

It jolted it me from inside.

In the evening me and my siblings were watching television like a series happy family.

My mother was busy in cooking as usual.

Landline bell rings. My mother went on to receive the call as the phone was a hand away distance from her.

" Hello, who is this" while cooking she retorted the call.

Phone receiver fell down from her hand as she heard something unwanted news.

She bursted into tears. She started yelling in pain.

Me and my siblings attention went on mother.

We all ran towards her in the kitchen.

I held my mother's back as she was about to fall down on the ground.

While getting hold on her I asked.

" Hey what's the matter why are you crying. Who was on the call" I was too feared seeing my mother in crying state.

I have never seen my mother so weak as she is right now.

" Hey, what's the matter, why are you crying. Everything is okay. Who was on the call" my elder brother Iggy asked in worried tone.

" Hey, hang on can not you guys see her tears ain't stopping my sister said, she stood up, went to refrigerator to get some chill water for mother.

She handed over full of glass of water in her hand, somehow she managed to drink and stop her tears.

" Your father is in hospital. This call was from the hospital" again she bursted into tears.

My brother stood up in hurry. He called back on the same no. To get the hospital address.

He wrote down the address in the paper.

We all went to see dad. I wasn't knew how's his situation?

Stay tuned....

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2020 ⏰

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