Toru Hagakure Birthday Special

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Today was the day after Toru's birthday and you felt really guilty that you couldn't attend her party personally since you had to arrest a villain. You got a couple of gifts for her as well as her favorite flavor of cake. What made you feel so guilty was the fact that Toru seemed saddened at the fact that you didn't seem to know.

As you put the gifts into an assortment of boxes and bags, you couldn't help but wonder how you deserved Toru in the first place. She was kind, intelligent, and beautiful. Even if you couldn't see her physical features, you knew she was beautiful because of her personality. 

Appreciation letters from the class were requested by you, which made you to have to bribe Kaminari not to ruin the surprise. A picture of you kissing her cheek in front of the class made you smile as you finally packaged the last of the gifts. 

It was around seven in the evening so you had about three hours before curfew hit. You were about to go to Toru's room to give her the gifts and give her a personal celebration, when you realized that if you carried all of this at the same time, she would notice. Knocking on your best friend's door, Momo opened it with confusion evident in her expression. "Hey Momo, can you make me a box?" You asked while bending down. Momo chuckled. 

"Sure!" After about a minute or so, Momo opened the door once more and handed you the box with a smirk. 

"Here you go! Make sure to get pictures!" Momo teased. You nodded and ran back into your dorm, successfully hiding the gifts with the letters of appreciation from the class on top. 

You knocked onto her door with the box in hand. When she opened the door, she couldn't help but chuckle, but what for? "Hey Toru, let me in?" You questioned. 

"Of course!" She let you in and sat on the bed. Gifts from her parents were on her desk. However, she seemed to be trying to hold in laughter. "What's in that box?" Toru asked. 

"Listen, I know I missed your birthday. So I got you some things as a way of an apology and celebration. I love you!" You exclaimed with blush on your cheeks. You could feel Toru's excited aura as she started to hug you. 

"I love you too! Thank you so much for remembering!" Your invisible girlfriend exclaimed.

"Well, why don't you open the gifts?" You questioned with a raised brow. Toru opened the box and opened the appreciation letters one by one, reading how she was appreciated for all of her efforts from her fellow classmates. Little to her awareness, you were recording like a proud parent. When she got to your appreciation letter, you could hear her voice cracking as she started crying happy and joyful tears.

It read : 


         I hate that I missed your birthday, but here I am making up for it! Never forget that you are appreciated for all your efforts to become a hero. Thank you for approaching me when I thought I would make no friends. I don't regret any second that I've spent with you, and I hope to spend many more. 

                                                                                                                                 Love, Y/n

"Awww! Y/n, that was so cute!" Toru exclaimed as she embraced you, which made you both fall to the ground with her on top of you. You both blushed but she continued to laugh at something unknown to you. 

"Why have you been laughing?" You asked. Toru reached into your hair and pulled a bow out, which made you flush in embarrassment. 

"Look at that, you are my present!" Toru chuckled. You turned a deep red as you laughed with Toru. 

"Let's go eat some cake."  You suggested. 


A/N : Happy birthday Toru!🎊🎉🎊🎉

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