"You're not leaving here, Gina. Even if you do happen to escape I will find you. I won't rest until you're dead. You'll never see it coming. It's a promise."

Gina shuddered as she remembered his words. She knew he wasn't lying. Jack Keebler meant everything he ever said, but a part of her didn't care. She wasn't about to stay at his place any longer. She was sick and tired of being his personal punching bag and tired of being talked to like a shabby old dog. She was nothing but a possession. She knew she had to get away. She had to run away. She waited until the opportunity presented itself.

She left the house one morning while he was gone to an important meeting. She fled right after a rainstorm when she knew she would be blanketed by the dense fog and darkness. She knew it wouldn't be easy for her to get away from the goon Jack hired to watch over her. He thought she knew nothing about it, but she had overheard their little deal. The goon was to keep a watch over her and kill her if she tried to get away. While the thought of it scared her a little, she had still made it. She had escaped.

It was two days ago she gained her freedom.

Since then she had been on the road. She walked from place to place, hiding in the woods when a car passed during the night. During the day, she hitchhiked from town to town. She was walking away from the place she had called home for the past three months and she had no intention of going back. She realized she would miss everyone there except Jack. She liked the idea of having servants and chefs. There was something classy about it. It seemed like she was living a fairytale for a while. She never had to worry about the fact she burned everything she ever tried to cook or that she had never folded a piece of clothing in her life. All of her imperfections were hidden from Jack with the help of his housekeepers and kitchen staff. If only he had been a gentleman instead of a jerk her life would have been perfect.

The dust from the highway lodged itself in her nose as the wind kicked up around her. The particles tickled her nostrils and she sneezed. She would catch her death of a cold if she had to be out in the weather much longer. She adjusted the beat-up old leather duffel the head housekeeper let her have. She didn't pack much inside except another few changes of clothes, some underthings, a wad of money she had taken from Jack's dresser, and some personal items: deodorant, perfume, and a journal her mother had given her for Christmas before she died. It was the only thing she had left of her family. Everyone was gone. She said goodbye to her mother and father, and her grandparents. Neither of her parents had any siblings nor did she. It was just her now. Jack and his employees had been her new family until he messed it up by beating her senseless every chance he got.

Now she was on the run from him and in fear of her life. He told her he would kill her if she escaped. He never went back on his word. It was one of the things that attracted her to him in the first place.

Jack Keebler was handsome with his million-dollar smile and charming demeanor. His blue eyes were like orbs of light. She shook her head. As pretty as he was to look at, she wished she had never met him.

Gina sighed longingly. She had been walking now for what seemed like forever. The next town she came to, she was going to stop and rest. Her whole body was killing her, especially her feet. She glanced up ahead. There, among all the dust, was the first hopeful thing she had seen all morning. It was a green road sign. It read: Hidden Passes. According to the sign, the next town was just two miles. Two miles and she could finally rest again. At least for a little while. She immediately picked up the pace, hoping it might help her get there just a little bit faster.

Rosa's Place was the first establishment she came to once she got into town. Her feet felt like they were going to break off, but she made it. Hidden Passes didn't seem to be any bigger than the last town she visited, which meant it was going to be easy to get around. That was a plus.

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