"So, where should we start?" Gina asked.

She and Alan were leaning back comfortably in their chairs. Their stomachs were full of the delicious food Giles so graciously prepared for them. There wasn't one little morsel left on either of their plates.

Alan took a small sip of wine. "With what?"

Gina smiled. "Anything you would like to talk about?" She rubbed her stomach. "I don't know about you, but if I try to dance after eating so much I'm going to hurl."

He chuckled. "It makes sense. That was a lot of food."

"You're telling me."

Alan sighed. Gina watched him carefully. She knew there was something on his mind. When he wasn't whirling around the dance floor, he seemed dejected and detached. What she couldn't understand was why he just didn't say something about it.

"Alan, you know you can talk to me about anything," she told him. "I won't judge you in any way."

He stared at her a little skeptical. After a few long seconds, he spoke. "I know."

"Then why don't you talk to me?"

He sighed wearily. This was it. This was his chance to tell her and to see how she was going to react to the nature of his job.

"Okay, Gina. I think I know what you're wanting to talk about. It's my job, isn't it?"

"No." She thought for a second. "Well, yes, but it's not what concerns me at the moment."

Alan was starting to get a little nervous now. He didn't know what she was fishing for, but he wasn't taking the bait. Then it dawned on him. Maggie had been the one to do her hair and makeup.

"Did Maggie say something to you?" he asked.

Gina smiled. "Yes. She did. She felt bad about it. She thought I was going to leave here...leave you. Is that what you think too?"

"Maggie brought it up. I hadn't even thought about it at all, but as soon as she mentioned it, I have to admit it does have me worried. Nothing is keeping you here now. You're not in any danger. You don't need me."

She stared at him blankly. His hands were laying on the table in front of him. She placed her hands on top of his to emphasize the importance of what she was about to say.

"Alan, I do need you. Just because I'm safe now doesn't mean I don't need you. You're a part of my life now whether you like it or not." She laughed. "I don't plan on leaving you any time soon. I don't think I could if I tried. It wasn't easy the first time."

A line creased his forehead. "How do you mean?"

Gina leaned in closer. "Do you think I wanted to leave you? No. But I was scared. I was afraid Jack would come knocking and there would be collateral damage."

Alan looked into her beautiful green eyes, surprise on his features. "Why didn't you tell me?"

She shook her head. "I couldn't. I knew you would try to stop me and I was not risking your life again. You almost got shot protecting me the first time. The only reason I came back was that I found out Amy was the shooter. I didn't think I was in any more danger. I was wrong, but I thought it was safe. I will stay as long as you want me here, Alan."

A smile spread across his lips. He pulled his hands from underneath hers and got up from the table. Gina had no idea what he was doing when he bent down in front of her. His face was only inches from her own. She leaned up to him and their lips connected. Now she understood. Gina got up and threw her arms around him, enjoying every second. They broke apart a minute later; the tension between them gone. Gina sat back down.

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