Gina walked into the living room with her arms wrapped around herself. It always seemed to be comforting to her when she held herself this way. It calmed her nerves a little.

She sat down on the couch and stared blankly at the television. It wasn't on, but she didn't care. She didn't know what to make of what just happened. Tears came to her eyes. She feared what Alan may do once he got into town. She knew he wouldn't kill anybody in cold blood unless he had a reason. He told her as much right out of his own mouth. Would he use her as a reason?

She had to admit it was a possibility even though she hated to think about it. Alan wasn't a killer. He was a protector. He loved her so much and he would do anything to protect her. There was a fine line between the two roles. He could easily kill Ron for the sole purpose of keeping her safe. It terrified her.

She unwrapped herself and bit her nails to ease some of the tension she was feeling. Tears started to roll down her cheeks. Life was so unpredictable. Just this morning she had woken up next to Alan and she was the happiest girl in the world, happier than she had been as far back as she could remember. Now, hours later, she had no idea where Alan was or what he could be doing. His departure was abrupt and it was no secret he had been upset. Angry even.


Gina looked up at the sound of another voice in the room. She hadn't even realized anyone was there. It was Grace. She was standing in the doorway staring at her strangely. Gina smiled at her.

"Hey," Gina said softly.

Grace took the greeting as an invitation and walked the rest of the way into the room. She sat down on the couch beside Gina. "I thought I heard you crying," she said as she took her finger and wiped a tear off of her cheek. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I will be. I'm just upset."

"Did something happen?"

Gina wiped the fresh tears that had started to fall out of her eyes. She started to explain what happened at Pinrose, but Grace stopped her. George had told them the whole story, her, Kate, Eva, Maggie, and Giles.

"Okay, so you know he tried to kidnap me and kill me."

Grace nodded.

"Well, the police let him go this morning. They gave him a plea deal to keep it out of court. He got probation so he could testify against Jack. They made him sign a restraining order to stay away from me too, but who knows whether he will honor it or not."

Grace frowned. Now she understood why she would be upset. "So you're afraid he's going to try and finish what he started?"

"Maybe. It wouldn't surprise me." She sighed in frustration, clenching her fists. "I'm just tired of it, you know? First Jack, then Amy, and now this guy! When does it end?"

Grace smiled at her sympathetically. "It will get better. Besides, you have nothing to worry about. Alan wouldn't let anything happen to the woman he loves."

Her statement made Gina smile. It was true. Alan did love her. He had proved it time and time again.

Grace looked around the room, confusion on her face. "Where is Alan? After hearing news like this, I'm surprised he would leave your side for a second."

Gina started to tear up again. "I don't know. He was so upset when he found out the police let Ron go. He left. He said he would be back."

"I thought I heard a car," she said absent-mindedly. She placed her hand on Gina's back to comfort her. She smiled, deciding to change the subject. "I heard you guys had a good night last night." She winked at her.

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