Two weeks had gone by.

Alan had taught Gina every useful move he could think of. She had not perfected them, but she could perform them immediately under pressure. It was a definite improvement. She learned how to shoot on the run too. Her aim was terrible, but she at least hit the target. Wounding was better than nothing. Besides, she wasn't training to be in the C.I.A. She was just learning how to survive.

They spent the days together as teacher and student and the nights as lovers. Gina was starting to get used to waking up every morning in Alan's arms. It was something she could see herself doing forever because he made her very happy.

So far, there had been no attempts on Gina's life either. Gina was beginning to relax and let her guard down more. She didn't know whether it was a particularly good thing, but it would have to be for now. She was tired of running. She was tired of hiding. She just wanted to spend time with Alan and her new friends.

She and Alan had planned a picnic when they got up one morning to spend time with everyone. An unexpected heavy rain spoiled their idea. So they decided they would just spend the day to themselves and have the picnic another day. The rain didn't look like it was going anywhere so they elected to watch movies together. Romantic comedies and action thrillers, one right after the other, occupied the television screen in the living room until dinner.

Gina and Alan were snuggled on the couch the entire time, safely in each other's arms. Gina's head was resting on Alan's chest. The only time either of them moved was to change the movie or go to the bathroom.

Alan affectionately brushed a strand of hair away from Gina's face. She was completely focused on the romantic movie they had put in about a half-hour ago. He grabbed the remote and pressed pause.

"Hey!" Gina protested. "It was just getting to one of the good parts!"

He gazed down at her, a grin on his face. "We need to eat something. Or at least I do. I'm starved. And we skipped lunch."

She sat up. He was right. She hadn't even realized it, but Alan was right. They had skipped it. "I am a little hungry."

"Good." He looked up at the clock on the mantle. "Dinner is ready at 6 pm. It's only a five-minute wait."

Gina leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. Then she stood. "I'm going to freshen up a little bit before dinner. See you in there."

Alan nodded. "I'll be in my usual chair."

"Save me a seat."

"You know I will."

Gina headed off to the bathroom just down the hall. Once inside, she washed her hands and splashed a little cool water on her neck. She had enjoyed herself immensely just being close to Alan all day. The more time she spent with him, the deeper she fell in love. The slightest thought of him made her smile. She was about to exit the bathroom, after drying her neck and hands off, when she suddenly swayed. She felt extremely dizzy. She grabbed the sink to steady herself, but the room was still spinning. She closed her eyes and placed her hand on her forehead. It had been so long since she had eaten. Her stomach rumbled in protest.

"I guess I'd better get to the kitchen in a hurry," she mumbled to herself.

She opened the door and walked toward the kitchen. Another dizzy spell hit her just as she was passing by the living room. She held out her hands to catch herself, but she missed the wall and fell to the floor. She cried out as she collided with the hardwood. She heard the sound of hurried footsteps and tried to get up, but the room wouldn't stop spinning long enough.

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