Gina woke up in Alan's arms the next morning. Images of the night before swirled around in her brain, bringing a smile to her lips. She glanced over at him. He was sleeping soundly still, shirtless and beautiful. She snuggled up closer to him. There was nothing but a sheet between them.

Alan felt her against him and his eyes popped open. It took him a minute to realize Gina was still there and it hadn't all been a dream. For a moment, he thought it had been. The night was perfect in every way imaginable. He grinned languidly at her.

"Well, good morning," Gina greeted him. She was cheerful for it to be so early.

"Good morning, love." Alan leaned over and gave her a peck on the lips.

She took a deep breath. She had never been so happy in her life as she was right there in his arms.

"I suppose we should get up before everyone starts stirring," Alan stated. "I wouldn't want the wheels in their heads to start turning more than they already do."

Gina laughed. "What, are you ashamed of what we did?"

"Not in the least. It was an amazing thing."

"You would just rather they didn't know right away."


She understood. She didn't want them to know either, but she knew the girls would pull it out of her sooner or later, especially if they suspected anything. Then a thought occurred to her.

"Um, Alan?"

"Yes, darling?"

"They're going to know anyway."

"Why do you say that?"

"George. The cameras. He won't be able to keep it to himself."

He chuckled. It was true. He laid back. So what if they found out. All that would come from the revelation is a lot of good-natured fun. "It's okay. Let them find out. I don't care."

Gina smiled. "Me either."

"Do you want to get up so we can eat breakfast?"

She groaned. "Not really. I could lay here like this forever." She kissed him on the cheek. "But I guess we should."

Alan rolled out of bed. Gina did too, only she had a sheet to cover her. He was covered with the comforter.

"Showers and then breakfast?" he asked.

"Yes," Gina said.

Alan went to his bathroom and Gina snuck out of his room and down the hall to hers. She was just glad no one saw her.


Ron Styles sat in the cold dark holding cell. He had been in there for the past twenty-four hours. He had not bothered to try to sleep. The flat mattress they called a bed would have rendered him stiff for a very long time. He was grumpy. He had a huge headache and it showed no signs of going away soon. He got up from the bench he was sitting on and started pacing back and forth. He wanted out of this stupid cage. He should have just left well enough alone, but seeing her out all alone had sparked an animal instinct inside of him. He had been hired to kill her if she tried to escape and she had escaped. Rightfully, he should have killed her. Ron hadn't expected the man who punched him and his driver to get in the way.

Suddenly the door to his cell opened. A uniformed guard walked in.

"You're being moved, Mr. Styles. The FBI agent who had you brought in is going to be asking you some questions." He grabbed him roughly by the arm. "Let's go."

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