Even though she was so exhausted she could barely hold her eyes open, after the early morning's events, Gina didn't dare lay her head down. The man sitting beside her had been courteous so far, minding his own business for the duration of the trip, and only occasionally bothering her when asking her if she minded stopping for food and gas. Of course, she told him she didn't. What kind of ungrateful person would she be if she didn't let the man fuel himself, and the truck, after bringing her from Talulu? So far he was a pretty safe driver too. He did the speed limit and he watched out for stupid people on the road, which was more than most drivers seemed to accomplish.

"We're only about an hour away now," the driver told her gruffly. "I sure am glad the sun is going down. The only bad thing about it is you're going to have to walk in the dark. I can get within a mile of where you're going, but that's it I'm afraid."

Gina smiled. "A mile is close enough."

"Will you at least let me buy you a flashlight or give you one of mine?"

"I think I'll be okay."

"Okay, but if you change your mind you just let me know, sweetheart."

"I will," she told him.

Silence fell between them again. Gina felt so dizzy. She didn't know if she would be able to stand up once she did get out of the truck. She didn't care. She would crawl if she had to. The Collins estate was the only place that had felt like home to her in a long time, and even though most of the people living there were strangers to her, they felt more like family than anyone else.

The rest of the trip was over before she knew it. The rain was still coming down hard when she finally hopped out of the truck.

"Are you sure you won't take a flashlight or something?" the truck driver asked. "I would feel a lot better if you did."

"I'll be alright," Gina stated. "Thank you so much for the lift."

"You're welcome. Anytime. You start walking and I'll let my headlights be your light until you disappear."

Gina thanked him again and then hurried toward the estate. She had to admit she didn't know her way. She hoped she could just follow the road and it would lead her to Alan's house. She vaguely remembered the outline when he brought her out, but it was really hard to tell anything about it in the dark. It was hard to believe it had nearly taken her a whole day to get there.

She walked as far as the headlights could shine and then she heard the driver pull out. She was grateful she had found someone so nice and decent to bring her back to Hidden Passes. She should have never left in the first place, but she had been thinking about Alan and Maggie and all the other people who lived there, not herself. At least now she wouldn't have to worry about it.

It was still hard for her to believe Amy Newman had been the one who was after her. She was in love with Jack, which surprised her even more now that she knew what he was really like. She wondered if he would come after her now. Amy was dead. She couldn't be his mistress anymore. Gina prayed this whole nightmare was over. She wanted to spend her time getting to know Alan a little more.

The road ahead was pitch black. She got out her cell phone and opened it up, letting what little light it afforded her illuminate the path ahead. She put it away after just a short distance because she didn't want it to get ruined. She should have called Alan to warn him she was coming, but she was so scared he would tell her not to bother. At least if she just showed up at the gate, maybe he would let her come in. If Alan and the others had heard any news about Amy, they might not want a murderer in their midst. Though Gina knew it was self-defense, it didn't change anything. Amy's death had been a tragic accident, but it didn't stop her from feeling like a killer with every breath she took.

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