George turned on his heel and ran back into the house. He slammed the door shut behind him, and leaned up against it, breathing hard. He didn't have time to lock it. He could already feel Ron trying his best to beat it down. His lean body was not much of a barricade, but it would at least delay Ron for a little bit and give him time to think of a plan. No matter what, he could not let this man get to Gina. Alan was counting on him to protect her and he was going to protect her. He took out his gun and prepared it for fire. He would not give up without a fight, and if he was going to go down, he was going to go down shooting.

Gina had barely walked back into the living room when she'd heard the voice at the door. It was not Alan's smooth, silky voice. It was raspy and gruff...and familiar. Then she heard the door slam and she knew there was something wrong. Fear caused her skin to prickle as she turned on the flashlight George had given her and rushed into the hall. She saw George leaning up against the door, using all his strength to keep someone out. Their eyes locked.

    "It's him, isn't it?" she asked darkly. "It's Ron."

George nodded. "I'm afraid so. I didn't see Alan anywhere."

    A lump formed in Gina's throat. She could read between the lines. George thought something happened to him. He thought he was dead.

    "It doesn't mean anything," she said quickly. "He could still be searching. Alan could have just missed him somehow."

    He gave her the sympathetic look, the one people would always give her before they were about to deliver some very bad news. He didn't say it out loud, but she could tell he thought she was hoping on a broken stick.

"We'll find Alan after we take care of him," she persisted. She ran over and was going to try and help him hold the door, but he stopped her.

"No, Gina. Alan told me to keep you safe. I want you to get out of here."

"And leave you here to hold the door? You look like you're about to collapse already."

"Just do it," he grunted.

Ron was trying harder now to get in and he was using the full strength of his entire body to do it. George was not going to be able to hold him out much longer.

"We can do it together."

"Gina, listen to me. This man had a murderous look in his eyes. I saw it. He probably killed Alan and now he wants to kill you. He's not going to stop until your blood is spilled all over the floor. You need to get out of here. Now!"

Gina didn't know what to do. If she ran, she would be signing George's death certificate. He had a gun, but there was no way if the fight turned physical he would be able to take Ron by himself. If she didn't run, he might kill her and George. The only plus side was Ron didn't know there was anyone in the house besides the two of them. Then the words Maggie said to her ran through her mind. But if something happens to you, you better scream loud enough so I can hear you. She took the gun in her hand and prepared it to fire.

"Okay, George. You win. I'm going. But I'll be back."

He nodded. Gina ran to the staircase. The house was dark. There was no way Ron or George would be able to see her hiding there if she didn't want them to.  She quietly tiptoed up the stairs until she was about halfway. Then she took the flashlight in her hand and shone it down the hall. She made an S.O.S signal, flashing it three times. Hopefully, Maggie would get the hint and come out. She poked her head cautiously out the doorway a few seconds later.

"Psst!" Gina whispered.

Maggie could barely see her until the lightning illuminated the mansion again.

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