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Maggie hurried toward the kitchen after sitting John down in the living room. She knew Alan would want to speak to him right away if it concerned Gina. She just hoped what John was going to tell Alan, about the young woman, was good news. It wasn't a good sign that he was there, whatever his reason for stopping by might be. She figured he would oppose to waiting and demand to see Alan without delay, demonstrating his usual power trip when he came, but he didn't. He seemed like a completely different man. John had even told her to take her time getting Alan. She, in turn, invited him to join them for breakfast, explaining it was where Alan was. He declined. He politely made it clear he had a certain purpose and he could not stay very long.

Maggie's nerves were on edge when she made it into the kitchen. She saw Alan had sat down to his breakfast and was eating heartily. Her delayed absence from the kitchen must have set his mind at ease. Her heart caught in her throat. She didn't want to interrupt him. Everyone else was busily eating their breakfast as well. She cleared her throat to announce her presence in the room and everyone stopped what they were doing. She had their full attention.

"Who was at the door?" Alan asked her immediately, shoving another bite of eggs into his mouth.

She took a deep breath, hesitant to answer. "Agent John Harmon. He's waiting for you in the living room. There's something he wants to speak with you about."

Alan swallowed the bite of food in his mouth and chased it with a drink of orange juice. "What in the world could he possibly have to talk to me about at-" he looked at the clock on the wall "-at seven in the morning?"

Maggie bit her lower lip. "He said it was about Gina," she said quietly.

What color had returned to his cheeks was gone again. "Is she-"

"I don't know. He didn't say."

Alan immediately got up from the table and excused himself. He ran past Maggie in a hurry.

She closed her eyes and prayed everything was all right. If not, she was not sure how he might take it. He had gotten attached to Gina really fast and this was way too soon for him to have to let go.

Alan was practically running when he came into the living room. John was sitting calmly on the couch, his hands folded in his lap. The moment he noticed him, he stood.

"Morning, Alan," he greeted him. They had enough history that he felt strange calling him 'Mr. Collins; especially after his conversation with Gina. "I'm sorry I interrupted your breakfast. I could smell the bacon when I came in. Plus, Maggie informed me the kitchen was where you were."

Alan stared at him strangely. He was being awfully...nice. He sat down on the couch and silently invited John to do the same.

"It's quite alright. It will still be there when I get back. Maggie told me you said you were here about Gina. Has something happened?"

John shook his head. "No. Not that I know of. She was fine when I left her last night."

It took a few long seconds for those words to sink in. "You talked to Gina last night?"

"Yeah. A little bit after you left."

He glared at him, his eyes narrowing suspiciously. "How did you even know where we were?"

A flash of guilt appeared on John's face. "A GPS tracking device. I put it on your car, just above the tire, when you were in the restaurant."

"Ah," Alan said, suddenly understanding. "So I wasn't crazy. You were the black SUV following us."

"That's right."

Someone To Run ToOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz