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Soon enough the three saw themselves coming from the Whomping Willow

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Soon enough the three saw themselves coming from the Whomping Willow.

"Hermione," Harry began. "Before, down by the lake when we were with Sirius, we did see someone. That someone made the dementors go away."

"Yeah, because I for sure didn't," Max hissed.


"Neither of you heard what Sirius said did you?" They both remained silent, Max shaking his head. "My mother used Amortentia on my father."

Max didn't wait for the sympathetic reply, walking away from Harry and Hermione and letting them speak.

He had yet to think over Sirius' words, feeling sick as he thought about his mother. Was she crazy? Or was she simply vile?

His thoughts stopped as the sound of a wolf echoed through the forest, Max returning to Hermione's side.

"Let's go."

The three ran towards where Sirius was thrown off, keeping an eye on their past selves as they went.

Max stopped, looking at the hill to see Lupin moving toward himself and Harry.

"A howl, there's supposed to be a howl," Max told them.

Hermione cupped her hands around her mouth, letting out a loud howl. Harry lunged toward her, covering her mouth as he muffled the noise.

"Harry, stop," Max restrained the boy as Hermione continued to howl. "She saving our lives."

Harry hummed, watching as Lupin ran down the hill to where they were.

"Thanks. Great, now he's coming toward us."

"Yeah, didn't think about that."

"We should run now," Max said.

"Yeah," the two agreed before sprinting off.

Max followed them quickly, ducking through the branches.

Then Harry tripped in front of him, Max falling over the boy.

"What's a matter with you?" Max gaped, Harry rolling his eyes as he pulled the boy up and behind a tree with Hermione.

They all held their breaths as Lupin stalked around the tree, Hermione pulling them in the opposite direction.

However, a loud crack came from behind them, turning to see the wolf.

Before it could attack, Buckbeak got between them, scaring the wolf away and deeper into the forest.

"That was so scary," Hermione whispered as she hugged onto both boys.

"Poor Professor Lupin's having a really tough night."

"He's been having tough nights for ages, he'll be all right." Max tried to assure Harry, not really believing his own words.

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