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Loud music and cheering echoed throughout the stands as the champions emerged into the center of the arena

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Loud music and cheering echoed throughout the stands as the champions emerged into the center of the arena.

Snape followed behind Maxwell as he entered the opening, the noise being so loud he couldn't hear himself think.

He could see the large walls of leaves and thrones in front of him, creating a deep maze that looked almost suffocating to the eye.

All of the champions stood in front of their escorts, Cedric's being his father, while Krum and Fleur stood with their Headmasters.

"I have a very bad feeling," Max whispered to Snape.

"You always have a bad feeling, Mr. Prince."


Dumbledore's voice amplified over the crowd, the music and the applause falling silent as everyone waited on the edge of their seats.

"Earlier today, Professor Moody placed the Triwizard cup deep within the maze. Only he knows it's exact position. Now, as Mr. Diggory-" Loud cheers and screams broke out from the crowd. "Mr. Potter," the applause grew louder. "And Mr. Prince."

Max looked at the crowd as more people stood and began cheering, Snape placing a hand on his shoulder for comfort.

"Are all tied for first position, they will be the first to enter the maze. Followed by Mr. Krum and Miss Delacour." Their respective schools screamed at the announcement, chanting their names. "The first person to touch the cup will be the winner. I've instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter. Should, at any point, a contestant wish to withdrawal from the task, he or she need only send up red sparks with their wands."

Max took a shaky breath as Snape led him over to one of the entrances to the maze, Harry standing in front of the one beside him.

"Contestants, gather around quickly," Dumbledore instructed. "In the maze," he wanted quietly. "You'll find no dragons or creatures of the deep. Instead, you'll face something even more challenging. You see, people change in the maze. Oh, find the cup if you can, but be very wary, you could just lose yourselves along the way."

Max couldn't help but notice the way Dumbledore's eyes lingered on him, shifting his weight back and forth as he avoided the Headmaster's gaze.

"Champions, prepare yourselves."

Max looked up at Snape as he returned to the man's side, taking a shaky breath as he tried to calm his rapid heartbeat.

"Any last words for me before I die?" Max asked, Snape scoffing at the boy's dramatics.

"If you can't handle the maze get out of there. I hate to admit it, Mr. Prince, but your life is not with the Triwizard cup." Max nodded softly, turning to face the entrance.

"On the count of three. One-"

The cannon made Max jump, looking to Harry.

'Find me,' the Potter mouthed. Max giving a short nod, and running into the maze.

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