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Maxwell Prince was completely, and utterly, and unmistakably sick of Hermione Granger's can-do attitude

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Maxwell Prince was completely, and utterly, and unmistakably sick of Hermione Granger's can-do attitude.

"Hermione the sun is not even up, there's no reason I should be."

"The Quidditch World Cup is today." Hermione rolled her eyes as she led a half-awake Max through the Burrow. "Here we are."

Hermione opened Ron's room, seeing Harry and the Weasley asleep in their beds.

The girl went over to Harry, Max walking over to Ron's bed and falling down beside him.

"What are you doing?" Ron mumbled, pulling the covers over Max as the Prince buried his face into the pillows.

"The woman's gone mad, making me wake up at this ungodly hour."

"Ron! Maxwell!"

Ron jumped up in bed, pulling the covers over his chest as he gaped at Hermione.

"Bloody hell, woman. You have gone mad."

"Honestly," Hermione scoffed as she grabbed Maxwell's arm. "Get dressed, and don't go back to sleep."

"I don't even like Quidditch, 'Mione!"

"I do not care, Maxwell. Now, hush."

"Do either of you know where we're actually going?" Harry asked the two boys.

Max currently had his eyes closed, hands on Ron's shoulders as he let the boy lead him through the woods.

"Don't know."

Max jumped as something poked him in the side, opening his eyes to see Ginny laughing as she ran away from him.

"I swear." Max huffed as he grabbed onto Ginny, the girl squealing as she called for Fred and George. "Having to be on a trip with the three of you sounds like torture."

"Oh please, you deal with Ron everyday," Fred grinned.

"There's no way this can be torture."

"Arthur! It's about time son."

Max looked ahead at the sound of the familiar voice, a bright smile appearing on his face.

"Sorry, Amos. Some of us had a sleepy start."

"Bet Maxwell has everything to do with that."

Cedric Diggory jumped down from a nearby tree, a smug grin on his face as Max playfully shoved him.

"This is Amos Diggory everyone. Works with me at the Ministry. And this strapping young lad must be Cedric, am I right?"

"More like Hogwarts' most idiotic Hufflepuff," Max chuckled as boy hit him in the back of the head.

"How does Max know so many people?" Harry muttered to Ron.

"Don't know, he isn't really that likable," the Weasley replied jokingly.

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