Chapter 6: Skin and Bones

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"Isn't the King of Breoch quite old?"

Baudwin looked over at Rhiannon, who was sitting next to him on the perch. After the other day she had taken to doing so for at least part of the day, and he found that he enjoyed her company. Even if she was still quiet and moody most of the time.

"It's his son," he replied. "The former king was dethroned two years ago."

"Oh." She looked down at her hands. "I didn't know that. I don't get a lot of news of the world in the swamp."

"How long have you been in the swamp?" Asking personal questions seldom yielded answers, but Baudwin kept trying. He was curious about this woman and her past.

"What is the son like? Have you met him?"

"Eh..." He really ought to tell her the truth and was definitely suffering some guilt from keeping the truth from her. But at this point he wasn't entirely sure how to tell her. 'Oh, by the way. I'm the king.' She wouldn't be happy. Not that he could blame her. So he kept quiet. Turns out, the decorated war hero, the man who had dethroned his own parents... was something of a coward.

"I wonder what type of person he is if he seized the crown from his own parents," she mused, not having noticed his hesitance.

What type of person indeed. Baudwin grimaced. It wasn't as if his parents had given him much choice. They'd used the excuse of having to rebuild the kingdom after the war against the Dark Disciple and his army to over-tax its citizens to a point where they could barely afford to feed themselves. Something had to be done. Especially when it came to a point where they were ready to attack their own daughter, his sister Braithe, for going against them to help the citizens.

"I don't think they left him much choice," he muttered. "They weren't good people. Sometimes you have to stand up to someone, even if they're your parent."

She was silent for a moment, with her gaze on the horizon. Then she nodded slowly. "Yes, that's very true. Anyway, you never said if you've met him."

"I have on occasion." In the mirror.

"What's he like?"

He shrugged. "They say he's a good man. Maybe a bit of a grouch at times."

"A good man willing to marry a complete stranger. What is he getting out of it?" She glanced at him and made a face. "I beg your pardon. Of course, you wouldn't know this. I'm thinking out loud."

Baudwin hesitated a moment, then sighed. "I've heard things. There's talk of rebellion. Your parents were close to the old king and queen and are not happy with changes made by their new ruler. They used to have a lot of influence. Now, not so much."

"That does sound like my parents." She scoffed. "So, by marrying me he's giving them at least the illusion of some influence and will stave off a rebellion. I can see why he would agree. Unfortunately for him, I won't go along with it."

"Why not?" He couldn't stop himself from asking the question. It intrigued him she was so opposed to the idea. Most women of his acquaintance would love to become the queen. It wasn't as if he expected her to answer, anyway. She never did.

"I never intend to marry. And I certainly do not want the attention you get as a queen."

Baudwin quickly closed his mouth. An actual answer to a question? Was she not feeling well? "That's unusual," he said carefully, not wanting to spook her.

"It's not the first time they've tried to marry me off. They've not succeeded yet." She was staring unseeingly straight ahead, her posture tense.

"Is that why you left a decade ago?"

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