Chapter 19: If Ever

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Rhiannon stifled a yawn as she walked down one of the winding hallways of the castle. Last night hadn't afforded her much sleep. Baudwin's presence in her bed had been more distracting than she had expected, and she'd struggled to relax enough to let slumber claim her. 

Eventually, in the early hours of the morning, she'd finally fallen asleep and by the time she woke up he had left. If anyone checked up on them, she'd slept through it.

Not having to speak to Baudwin should be a relief this morning. Their wedding night had been harrowing. But instead, she found she missed him. A silly notion that she'd do best to divest herself of. She couldn't allow herself to feel too kindly towards her husband. Not when she was meant to kill him. Not that she would, if she could avoid it. There must be a way out of this mess. She just hadn't thought of it yet.

Reaching the door to the royal library, she pushed it open and entered. It was a beautiful room with an arched ceiling, tall shelves on every wall, and a large oak table with matching chairs in the middle. Two comfortable chairs stood tucked away in a corner if anyone wanted to sit down for a read. 

She walked down the rows of books, reading the spines, hoping to find something interesting to numb her mind. Maybe some romantic tale of adventure and trickery. Or a volume on herbs she'd not yet encountered.

When she heard voices approaching, she ducked behind a suit of armour, not sure she was in the mood to be social.

"I'm telling you," a man's voice was saying. "If you give them a chance, you'll enjoy a good adventure story. Handsome knights and swooning ladies, what's not to like?"

A woman scoffed. "How about swooning knights and brilliant ladies?"

"There aren't as many of those, but maybe we could find one."

Sir Aurelian and Princess Braithe entered the library, him holding the door open for her. The Envoy to the High King grinned broadly as he ushered his wife inside. He was a handsome man with brown hair brushed back from his face and a winning smile. The princess had long hair, the same walnut-brown shade as Baudwin's. They made a striking couple.

"You're just trying to make excuses to keep me still," the princess muttered, her face sullen.

Her husband grinned again. "Perhaps, but you can't blame me. It's for your own good."

"You had better not use this excuse for the next nine months." She levelled a finger at him, and he held his hands up in surrender.

"I will have to think of other ways to keep you from running around throwing daggers at people." He took her in his arms and rested his forehead against hers, his teasing promise eliciting a chuckle from his wife.

Rhiannon cleared her throat before the couple could do anything embarrassing. They whipped around to stare at her, their cheeks flushed.

"Queen Rhiannon!" Sir Aurelian smiled. "We didn't see you there."

"I think she was hiding," Princess Braithe said in a stage-whisper.

"I know. I'm trying to be polite," he replied in the same way.

A smile tugged at the corners of Rhiannon's mouth. They were disarming, and their antics had somehow made her relax. "I beg your pardon," she said. "I wasn't in the mood to converse, but hadn't realised it was you arriving."

"Yes, everyone wants to hang out with us." How Sir Aurelian could say it with a straight face, she wasn't sure, but his blue eyes glittered with suppressed mirth. "We're delightful."

Princess Braithe elbowed him in the side before smiling at Rhiannon. "How are you settling in? Did you enjoy the wedding? It was a lovely ceremony."

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