Chapter 18: Back & Forth

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This wasn't at all how Baudwin had imagined their wedding night going. Not that he minded. Not in the least. Rhiannon felt amazing in his arms, and the hunger in her touches seemed equal to his own. Moving his hands from her hips to cup her face, he deepened the kiss, matching her fervour stroke by stroke. She clung to him as if he alone kept her from sinking, and if he'd had the strength to resist her, he might have wondered why.

For a moment, nothing else existed other than the woman in his arms. Her body against his. The stark need in her touch. The alluring scent of bergamot and pine. Her fingers curled in the hair at the back of his head and pulled him closer still, as if she couldn't quite get close enough. Dropping one hand to her hips and the other to her shoulder, he placed a trail of kisses along her jaw and down her neck. She tilted her head to the side, allowing him better access, and he quickly took advantage, kissing and gently biting at the sensitive spot where the neck met her shoulder.

She made a noise he could only interpret as approval, spurring him on. Carefully he pushed her dressing gown to the side to reveal more of her, the sheer fabric slipping down her arm. Pulling back slightly, he trailed his fingertips across her skin, taking the thin strap of her satin nightdress with him. She watched him silently, but didn't object. With his breath in his throat, he repeated the procedure on the other side, and watched in amazement as the garment slid down her body to pool on the floor by her feet.

If he'd thought Rhiannon was mesmerising when she'd straddled him in a nightgown, seeing her completely naked before him was simply breathtaking. Her pale skin and golden-red hair both glowed in the flickering light of the candles. He'd compared her to the moon goddess before, but even she had nothing to the ethereal beauty of the woman standing in front of him. Before he could admire her further, she took the step separating them and pressed her lips to his again.

There was no hesitation in her movements as she began unbuttoning his simple, white shirt, and he helped her, wanting it off as quickly as possible. Wanting her hands on him. She pushed it down his arms, trapping them for a moment before he could get it off completely. He sighed in relief when she placed her cool hands on his feverish chest, slowly stroking her way down along his abdomen. At her touch, his muscles tensed, his body as electrified and ready now as in any battle. When she reached the top of his breeches and began unbuttoning, he put his arms around her and pulled her close.

The moment his hands touched her back, she froze. So did he.

She pulled away, backing out of arm's reach. Baudwin stared at her. His fingers flexed at the sensory memory of her back. Unlike the smooth skin of her shoulders, her back felt... He frowned. Her back felt like some of his scars. Not the knotted ones where his muscles were damaged, but the ones that were pure scars.

"I... I told you not to touch me." The words lacked their usual vehemence. Her arms came up to hug her chest, as if she felt cold.

Baudwin shook his head, still grappling with the sensation of what he'd felt. "Rhiannon..." He trailed off, not sure what to say. "Can I see your back?"

She shook her head, a jerking movement that betrayed her distressed state.

He wanted to take her back into his arms, but it was obvious she wouldn't accept the nearness right now, so he kept his distance. Bending down, he picked up her nightdress and handed it to her. She snatched it out of his hands and quickly slipped it over her head.

"What happened to you?" He tried to keep his voice even, but wasn't sure if he managed. "You've seen my leg. I know what scars feel like."

As if she could not bear to look at him, her eyes drifted over to the chess box on the table. "Do you remember that I told you my stepfather punished me after I ran away?"

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