Chapter 35: See You

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Rhiannon stood by her window, gazing out over the gardens below, trying to keep her aching heart from breaking, and failing miserably. There had been no sign of Baudwin since the previous day, which didn't surprise her. She'd always known his love would turn to hate once he found out what she'd done. How she was responsible for the daily pain he suffered from his injured leg. How could he ever see past her deception and forgive her?

Turning back to the room, she grabbed her satchel from a chair, the same one she'd brought with her from the swamps of Lyndor. She'd only packed the necessities, ready to disappear again. The further she could run, the better she could hide, the safer everyone would be. The Godstone had to remain secure, she its intended guardian. With a last look at her bedchamber, she left. The shared sitting room was empty, and the door to Baudwin's room open, which usually signalled his absence. She would have loved to see him one last time, but it was probably easier for them both that she didn't.

Pulling on a thick, woollen cloak to ward off the chilly autumn air, she made her way through the castle hallways, avoiding any areas she knew would be busy. There was a buzz in the air, an anticipation of the expected surrender by the western lords. It was the perfect time to escape unnoticed as everyone was preoccupied.

Even in the stables, the men working there were nervously hovering outside chatting amongst themselves, none of them noticing as she slipped inside and saddled a dapple grey mare.

She was just about to mount the horse by the courtyard gate when someone gently touched her shoulder. Turning around, it surprised her to find Isobel standing behind her. The sorceress raised a winged eyebrow.

"So, you're leaving?"

"It's for the best," Rhiannon muttered. "I must keep the Godstone safe."

Isobel nodded. "True, we can't allow Deva's son to wield its power. Whatever you do, make sure you keep it safe. If needed, send for me or Wray and we will come to your aid."

The kind words were like tiny barbs in her chest. "Thank you. I don't deserve it."

"What you did..." The blonde sorceress looked away, a small line appearing on her brow as she frowned. "It was horrific. I can't even imagine what the captives went through during Deva's time in Highglaive."

The darkness threatening to engulf her, Rhiannon dug her fingernails into her palm to remain grounded. Isobel shifted to meet her gaze, her deep-blue eyes kind.

"But you were one of those captives," she continued. "You endured a lot as well. Yes, you ended up feeding them information, but it wasn't with malicious intent. You're not evil. You're not a bad person. Just someone who made some bad decisions. Which regrettably had terrible repercussions for others."

Choking back a strangled sob, Rhiannon covered her mouth with her hand as she shook her head. "I never wanted anyone to suffer!"

"I know." Isobel smiled wistfully. "They did, but you can't change the past. You need to learn to live with what you did, and endeavour to do better."

Rhiannon nodded. "I'm trying," she said. "I'm leaving, hoping to keep you all safe."

"Be careful. And don't hesitate to contact us if you need anything." Isobel surprised her by embracing her in a hug, and at first she stiffly stood there, but then she relaxed and returned the hug. Maybe it wasn't the end of the world to rely on others occasionally.

"Thank you," she mumbled against the blonde sorceress's hair.

"You're running away?" The terse question made them both jump, and they stepped away from each other. For a moment Rhiannon hoped the dark voice belonged to Baudwin, but turning around it was Wray standing a few steps away, staring at them.

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