Chapter 24: Everlong

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Rhiannon didn't see Baudwin for the entire day. According to Aurelian, he was busy meeting with the Captain of the Guard and the advisers to make sure all preparations were on track. Wanting to speak with him, she waited up in their shared sitting room, curled up in a comfortable chair with a book.

By the time she could hear the rhythmic tapping of his cane coming down the hallway, darkness had settled outside, and the room was lit by only a few flickering candles.

When he came through the doorway and caught sight of her, he stopped, his brows raised in surprise. Closing the door behind him, he took a few faltering steps into the room.

"Rhiannon?" His gaze searched her face. "Is everything all right?"

She got off the chair and before either of them knew what she was doing, she had closed the distance between them, wrapped her arms around his neck and was pulling his face down for a kiss. The moment his lips met hers, she forgot everything else. The looming threat. Her stepfather. The vow to keep her distance. There was only him. Baudwin.

To her dismay, he pulled back after only a few moments, shaking his head.

"What are we doing?" he asked, his voice sounding pained.

"Kissing." She thought it was rather obvious, really, even if it hadn't been her original plan. The intention had been to stay up to thank him, but seeing him she'd realised how much she'd missed him.

He grunted, taking a step backwards. Away from her. She frowned. Wanting to forget about the mounting risk their involvement caused and all the worries about Son of Deva, she just wanted him to touch her. Make her forget. No longer did she want to fight her attraction. Why should she? They were married. He wanted her, she knew he did, and she wanted him. Maybe staying away wasn't keeping him safer, anyway. Why not enjoy their time together before she had to flee?

There was logic in her reasoning. She was sure of it. And rather reluctant to consider otherwise.

Leaning on his cane, Baudwin regarded her thoughtfully, as if he was trying to solve a difficult puzzle. He sighed.

"You are a complicated woman, Rhiannon."

Not really. She pursed her lips. "Am I? Why?"

His mouth set in a grim line, he lifted one shoulder in a shrug. "I never know what to expect. You said you want a marriage in name only, then you kissed me on our wedding night before changing your mind. Now you're kissing me again."

"I don't think that's complicated as much as indecisive," she muttered.

He chuckled darkly. "Don't split hairs. You know what I mean."

"I'm sorry. It can't be easy having me for a wife." She awkwardly looked down at her hands, as guilt about how she'd been treating him washed over her. He deserves better than me. Annoyed, she pushed the thought aside.

"And yet, there's no one I'd rather have."

Shocked, her head snapped back up and she could only hope her mouth wasn't agape. Baudwin was looking at her, a tender smile playing on his lips.

"I... You..." Words. She needed them. Where were they? She dug her nails into the soft tissue of her palm to focus. "I heard you outlawed whipping."

He nodded slowly.

"And chopped down the whipping post?"

Another nod.

She hesitated before asking her last question, "For me?"

There was no hesitation in his answer. "Always."

With her breath hitched in her throat, she realised she had one more question for him. "Why?"

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