Chapter 25: The Colour And The Shape

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Maybe he should pay attention to what his advisers were saying during the meeting, but Baudwin's mind was busy replaying the events of the previous night and it was far more interesting. It was probably a good thing that he was sitting down, because the memories had some rather obvious effects on his body that were better off hidden.

Rhiannon may not love him yet, but they had made great progress last night. Not only the love-making, but he felt as if she had opened up to him, lowering her defences. There was still time for him to conquer his wife. In the most loving, respectful way possible, of course. He would lay siege to her heart, and he would be damned if he would accept anything other than victory.

"King Baudwin?"

Lifting his head, he met the less-than-amused gaze of Donauld. The old bird-like adviser must have asked him a question. Orc's ass! Maybe he ought to pay attention. Even if the image of Rhiannon straddling his hips was much more pleasant.

"Could you repeat that?" I wasn't listening. He deliberately left out the last bit, raising his eyebrows in what he hoped was a mien of polite interest.

Donauld cleared his throat and puffed his chest up like a proud rooster. "Your Majesty," he drawled, almost as if he thought a lower speed would make Baudwin pay more attention. "I said that our preparations are proceeding well. Our stocks are in an excellent position and we are continuing to fill them. Should there be a war, we are well prepared."

"Which we need to be," Aurelian interjected with a grim look on his face. "I don't think it's as much of an 'if' as a 'when'."

"And before then, we need to be ready for potential trouble from the western lords." Baudwin thoughtfully scratched his bearded chin, before looking over at Golen. "I realise we only returned the other night, but have you heard anything? Messages travel quicker by fowl than men on horses."

"We've received notes of discontent from a few of the lords, and one of our informants in the area says there is talk of rebellion again."

"I expected as much." He hadn't exactly done much to stave it off, if he was honest with himself. Maybe some part of him wanted an excuse to put Lord Delen in his place. Even now, he struggled to think of the man without his fingers itching to throttle him.

Golen made a face. "You could have tried," he chided. "From what I hear you were closer to antagonising the western lords than discussing a compromise."

Baudwin levelled a stern look at the adviser, and the older man shrank away. "There were no compromises to be made. Their demands were preposterous. I cannot be seen to bargain with men like that. Titled lords or not."

"Naturally, Your Majesty," Golen murmured. "Whatever you believe is right."

"Sir Ioan," Baudwin looked at his guard captain on the other side of the table. "I know I am putting a lot on you, with the preparations for Son of Deva already underway, and new recruits coming in, but please... We need to also prepare for the possibility that the western lords will mount an attack."

The knight nodded. "You believe they may be bold enough to attempt a dethroning?"


"I will oversee our defences."

"Thank you." Looking out over the gathered men and his sister, their faces all mirrored his own. Grim determination in the face of what was to come.

"We will hopefully have plenty of time to deal with the western lords," Aurelian said, tapping his fingers against the smooth surface of the table. "I doubt Son of Deva will make a move yet. No one knows who he is, only his moniker. I can't imagine he is ready to attack or reveal himself yet. High King Felix's spies are working on finding out more. So far there have been no reports of any armies gathering."

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