Chapter 34: Miss the Misery

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Baudwin whacked the training dummy with his wooden practice sword, again and again, needing to release the impotent rage coursing through his body. Lies. So many lies. The sword thudded against the body of the dummy rhythmically as he kept attacking it. His arm was tired by now, and his leg had ached from the overexertion, but he wouldn't stop. Couldn't stop. He didn't want to think about the revelations from this morning. It was all too much.

An extra hard blow made the dummy topple over and fall to the floor with a loud clanging, leaving him staring at it with his shoulders heaving.

"I think you killed it."

He turned his head to find his sister leaning against the arched entrance to the training room in the undercroft, her arms folded over her chest. An amused smile played at her lips and she was shaking her head slightly.

"What do you want?" His tone was gruff, but he wasn't in the mood for Braithe's teasing.

She raised a dark eyebrow as he rubbed his aching leg. He'd definitely pushed himself beyond his ability, and it was more painful than it had been for some time. Ignoring his sister, he limped over and sat down on a crate. Dropping his sword, he massaged the thigh, hoping to loosen the tight muscles.

"I wanted to check in on you." She pushed away from the wall and came into the room. Picking up a wooden practice dagger, she weighed it in her hand, flipping it around a few times. "Sorceress Isobel told me about Rhiannon."

Not wanting to meet her gaze, he stared straight ahead at a spot above the doorway. "What did she say?"

"She told me everything you heard, I imagine. How do you feel about your wife being sent to kill you?"

"You mean how she only married me because she was being blackmailed?" Baudwin glared at her. "I'm chuffed."

Braithe scoffed at his sarcasm. "I doubt that was her only reason. I've seen the way she looks at you. It's not the face of someone hating their husband. And you were both being blackmailed, or pressured, into the marriage anyway, under the threat of rebellion. What's a little added murder?"

"What's a little added murder, indeed." He shook his head before meeting her gaze. "Do you... Do you think she would have gone through with it?"


He scowled. That was a quick reply. "What makes you so certain?"

She shrugged. "If she wanted to murder you, surely she would have done it by now? And the reason her lady's maid attacked her was because she refused."

"I didn't know that."

"Apparently you left while there were still some things left to discuss." Braithe's knowing silver-grey eyes watched him shrewdly.

He sighed before looking down at his thigh where his hand was still rubbing it absently. "It was a lot to take in. She has kept so much from me. And when I found out she's responsible for this..." He nodded towards his leg. "It's... It's a lot."

Not having noticed her moving, it surprised him when Braithe suddenly crouched down in front of him. "It is," she agreed with a sympathetic half-smile. "And I can understand you being angry. You're allowed to be. But I guess you eventually need to decide what matters more. Her past or your future."

He let out a dark chuckle. "When did you become so wise?"

"I've always been this wise." She grinned. "You just never noticed. Or well, I guess you did a little since you made me one of your advisers."

"It's not just her past. I didn't know until today, but we share a past, and it's the worst part of mine."

"It didn't sound like the best part of hers either," Braithe pointed out.

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