Chapter 7: Wattershed

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Rhiannon stood alone in the hallway, listening to the low murmur of the patrons downstairs in the Inn having their food and their ale. Were they talking about her? Did they know who she was? She was being paranoid, but she could never escape the feeling people were staring at her. Judging her.

After going to talk to the innkeeper, she had come back upstairs, and now she had paused outside the door of their rented room. Listening. Waiting. Wanting to know if someone would shout out her name. Being around crowds brought out her fears, and every fibre of her being hummed in anxious energy. Fearing the inevitable outcry if anyone recognised her.

Wanting to escape the strangers below, she put her hand on the door handle, but she couldn't quite bring herself to enter. Not yet. Her face flushed hotly, remembering the accidental brush of her hand against the knight. It had been a long time since she'd been near a man in such a state. The swamp wasn't exactly crawling with handsome strangers, and she wasn't willing to get a reputation in the nearby village. Her current one was enough as it was. The Swamp Witch. She didn't need to be The Swamp Harlot as well. It had been even longer since she'd been near a man as handsome as this one.

Taking a deep breath, she steeled herself. It took a lot of self-control to appear as unaffected as she did. She opened the door and found Sir Baudwin still on the second bed, his legs off the side. He'd lain down but sat back up as she entered. When he was about to stand, she shook her head. The man really did have more honour than sense. Somehow, this knowledge made her relax. Some of the tension drained from her shoulders.

"I've ordered us supper and a bath," she said as she closed the door behind her. "You will need to wash off that ointment later. Once it's dried and starts cracking."

He nodded slowly, watching her as she moved to her bed to put her pouches and vials back in the knapsack. She would need to get some more herbs and ingredients soon. Maybe she'd take the opportunity while in Breoch to get some of the ones local to the region that were usually difficult to get hold of from the swamp. She missed her swamp, but she was realising that she could never return. If her parents had tracked her down there, others could too.

"Where did you learn to use those?" Sir Baudwin asked, motioning towards the small stack on the sheets. "Are you a witch like they say?"

Glancing up at him, it didn't look like he was judging her. His hazel eyes were watching with interest and the shadow of a smile was playing at the corners of his mouth.

"Why? Are you worried that I will turn you into a frog?"

"Only if it means I'd have to live in that stinky swamp." He chuckled. It was a warm, comforting sound that enveloped her like a warm blanket. She didn't like it. Didn't want to feel comforted. Didn't want to feel secure in anyone's presence. Unaware of her chaotic thoughts, he continued, "I didn't think that was in the purview of witches, anyway."

"I don't think it is," she admitted. "But no, I am not a witch. I just happen to know a fair bit about herbs and plants and their abilities. The locals decided I was a witch, and I didn't bother correcting them."

"It does have a nice ring to it. The Swamp Witch." He was grinning now. It lit up his usually sombre face.

"I always liked it. Great deterrent." She sat down on her bed. "You seem to be in a good mood."

His smile faded as he nodded towards his leg. The ointment was drying, its colour turning from puce to dark brown. "Thank you for this," he said. "This is the least pain I've felt in years."

"It was no trouble." She would never admit that it had felt nice to touch another human being again. Having struggled while trapped between his arms during the ride was one thing, when she was in control... It was different. "There are some concoctions that could help you with the pain even better. I don't have the right ingredients, but if I find them, I could make you some. Or give you a recipe so that someone can help you make it. Maybe a decent apothecary back where you live."

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