Chapter 27: Free Me

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Do you trust me?

Rhiannon stared up at Baudwin's handsome face, mulling the words over. She'd trusted very few people in her life, and those she had turned out to be the wrong ones. And yet... She trusted him. Without a doubt, she knew he would never hurt her. At least not intentionally.

When she nodded, he let out a breath. What did he want? The possibilities both enticed and terrified her.

"What did you have in mind?"

He cupped her face between his hands, a small smile playing on his lips. "Well... I was hoping you'd let me take care of you."

She frowned. "Meaning?"

"Everyone deserves to let go once in a while." His thumb slowly caressed her cheek as he spoke, making her skin tingle. "I know you prefer to be in charge, but I would like to pleasure you, without you having to do anything."

"I'm not sure..." It did sound inviting, but she'd never allowed anyone such control over her, and she wasn't sure she could.

"You might find that you enjoy it." A dark twinkle in his eyes made her insides flutter. "You will still be in complete control. A single word from you, and I will stop whatever I'm doing."

When she didn't immediately answer, he let go of her and walked towards the imposing four-poster bed that dominated the room. Her husband truly was a fine specimen of a man. Broad-shouldered with a flat, muscular chest covered with a dark dusting of hair. The tantalising trail travelling from his bellybutton and into the breeches caught her eyes, and her tongue darted out to wet her lips. As if he knew the effect he had on her, Baudwin grinned while his hands moved to the towel wrapped around his waist.

"All right," she heard herself say. "I'll try. What do you need me to do?"

A slow, wicked smile spread over his face and it was surprising her legs didn't buckle from the spear of excitement that shot through her. Excitement mixed with a small amount of trepidation. But she trusted him. Trusted that he would stop if she asked him to.

"Take your clothes off and lie down in bed," he ordered her.

Happy that she was wearing a dress she could remove herself, she quickly divested herself of her clothes and got into bed. It didn't escape her notice that Baudwin watched her every move, and she smiled inwardly, loving the fact that he was so spellbound by her. Lying in the middle of the big bed, the chilly autumn afternoon air made her skin break out in goosebumps. Or it might have been the look on her husband's face as he removed his towel and joined her.

Any hesitation she felt vanished when Baudwin's mouth covered hers for a slow, drugging kiss that made her insides melt. When he hoisted himself above her, she felt a stab of panic at being trapped between him and the bed, but looking into his eyes her gut reaction to flee subsided. He waited, as if to make sure she was all right, and she nodded jerkily to let him know she was. With a twitch at the corners of his mouth, he bent his head and captured one of her nipples between his teeth, making her gasp as pleasure rushed through her.

Threading her fingers through his chestnut-brown hair, she closed her eyes and allowed herself to give in to the pleasure every touch evoked. When he moved to the other breast, the newly abandoned nipple hardened almost painfully when the damp skin met the cool air, the contrast to his hot mouth palpable. As he alternated licks, nips and sucking, rivulets of pleasure lapped at her like waves at the beach, and while his imposing body above hers should have made her panic, it made her feel safe instead. Safe. And loved.

Coming back up to give her another slow, sensual kiss, he gently pushed her arms up above her head. He didn't trap them, but she knew he wanted her to keep them there, so she did, curious what his plan was. Smiling when he noticed her compliance, he sat back, kneeling between her legs, and placed his hands on her knees. She swallowed. He looked very sexy right there with a wicked smile playing at the corners of his mouth and his hair an unruly mess.

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