Chapter 14: The Sign

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Baudwin wasn't sure what he'd expected to find when reaching his sister's chambers, but it certainly wasn't the image of his sister flinging a wooden spoon at a cowering medic.

"You cannot keep me in this bed!" she shrieked, her silver-grey eyes sparkling with anger.

"Your Highness," the medic pleaded while ducking from another flung object. A bowl this time. "We don't know what is wrong with you. It's safer for you to stay in bed."

"And you!" Braithe continued angrily as she saw them enter the room, levelling a finger at Aurelian. "You're letting them confine me to this bed!"

Aurelian hurried to her side, sitting down on the bed and taking her hand in both of his. "Honey," he said soothingly. "It's for your own good. We can't have you walking around fainting."

"I never fainted," Braithe growled. "I only felt a little light-headed."

"You'd have hit the floor had I not caught you." Aurelian didn't look amused.

Frustrated, Braithe flopped back against the pillows on the bed. Watching her closer, Baudwin noticed that she didn't look her usual self. Her skin was pale and there were dark rings under her eyes. Her chestnut hair fanned out around her, unbound, and she was in a blue dressing gown.

"Welcome back, brother." She smiled wryly as she finally took note of him. "How did your mission go?" Catching sight of Rhiannon, her eyes widened. "Oh, never mind. Is this she?"

"Yes, this is Lady Rhiannon." He looked at Rhiannon and motioned towards the bed. "My sister, Princess Braithe."

"I would get up to greet you," Braithe muttered. "But they're not letting me."

The medic, a middle-aged man with a shock of black hair, looked as if he worried Baudwin might send him off to the hangman. "Your Majesty," he said with a low bow, addressing him. "We have done what we can for your sister, but we're uncertain of what is causing her fainting spells."

"Not to worry." Baudwin gave the man an encouraging smile. Or it might have been a grimace. He wasn't entirely sure. "I suspect she's not the easiest patient."

While he was certain the medic agreed, the man would never dare to voice it out loud.

"I will have you know I am the epitome of grace and kindness." The look in his sister's eyes was anything but, making him smile.

"If you will permit me," Rhiannon said, stepping forward. "I will have a look at the Princess."

The medic stared at her as if she'd sprouted horns. "You? A woman?"

"Yes. I may have some expertise that you do not." Rhiannon shrugged. "Men are stupid. Especially where women are concerned."

"I... I..." The medic sputtered, unable to form any coherent sentences. "Well, I never!"

Braithe was watching Rhiannon with a newfound interest. "Are you a medic of some sort?"

"A witch," Baudwin supplied, forever finding it amusing. Rhiannon less so as she glared at him.

"I'm not a witch," she said. Again. Her voice was strained, as if she had forced herself not to snap at him.

Was it bad of him to wish she had? He wanted her anger rather than the indifference she aimed for. If she could exhaust her anger, maybe she could eventually find a way to forgive him. And so he would keep stoking her anger if he had to.

"Apparently Lady Rhiannon has some experience helping people with ailing health," Aurelian said as he tucked a lock of hair behind his wife's ear.

"Your Majesty," the medic said, wanting Baudwin's attention. "I don't know if—"

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