Chapter 20: What if I do?

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If she had to choose between evading the crocodiles of the swamp or attending this picnic, Rhiannon wasn't sure which was the worst option. Possibly the picnic. Not that her companions were rude, or tried to eat her like crocodiles inevitably would, but rather the opposite. She didn't really want to like Princess Braithe and Sir Aurelian. And yet she did. Very much so.

They were funny and charming in a way she could never be, making her smile more than she remembered smiling in years. The princess had arranged for a large blanket out on the lawn of the castle gardens, just before the evergreens of the massive hedge maze. Easy to pick food was available from a wicker basket, together with a bottle of wine and another of water for the princess.

Rhiannon was just handed a glass when Baudwin joined the three of them, his council meeting finished.

"I'm so glad you could join us," Braithe said as her brother put his cane away and awkwardly sat down.

He raised a dark eyebrow. "It's not as if I had much choice after you and Aurelian claimed you had to leave the meeting."

"Oh?" His sister gave him an innocent look, her silver-grey eyes twinkling. "Were we not done?"

"Not even close," he muttered, but accepted a glass of wine from Aurelian.

"You must admit, this is much more fun than stuffy meetings, anyway."

He grunted, but there was a twitch at the corner of his mouth. Rhiannon looked down at the glass in her hand, swirling the red liquid around slightly.  This was the first time she'd seen him since their wedding night, and he wasn't even looking at her. She knew she'd hurt him, but it had been necessary for her to keep him at arm's length. Even now, she cared too much about him. She couldn't allow for her feelings to grow deeper. Something she sensed they could do much too easily, seeing as her new husband was one of the best men she'd ever met. She would never deserve him.

"Tell me more about the swamp," Aurelian suddenly said, while offering his wife some cheese. "I've been to Lyndor, but I never visited the swamps."

"There's not much to tell, really." Rhiannon shrugged. "It's a swamp."

If the Envoy had noticed her evasive reply, he didn't show it. Nor did it seem to deter his continued questions. "What made you settle down there?"

It was the same question Baudwin had asked her during their first night travelling. She'd not answered then, and she wasn't sure if she should now, but surprised herself, "The lack of people."

Aurelian chuckled. "I suppose that's fair enough. Few people live in the swamps. I guess not many visitors either."

"No, only the locals when they wanted my help. Suited me perfectly."

"Rhiannon prefers solitude," Baudwin said, his voice cool. "If her father hadn't threatened rebellion, she never would have agreed to marry me."

Glaring at him, Rhiannon dug her nails into the soft tissue of her hand. "I'll remind you that you'd not have chosen me as a wife either, had that not been the case."

He looked down at the wine in his glass, his forehead furrowing. "I suppose it's true that I may not have met you if not for this. I rarely travel to the swamps." Raising his gaze, he met her eyes and the sincerity in them was spellbinding. "But I will admit that now that I have, you have quite captured my interest. I care for you."

What was he saying? This shouldn't happen. She had not planned for this. The last thing either of them needed was for him to have any sort of feelings for her. Suddenly her mouth felt dry, and she wasn't sure what to say. Part of her wanted to stand up and flee. To run away and never look back.

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