I am in this club because?

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Naruto's pov

I woke up in a nasty mood knowing that I was gonna have to go to the music club and see that teme. I dragged my lazy ass down the stairs and grabbed some instant ramen to heat up.

ARGGG!!! I DONT WANNA GO I'D RATHER MOVE SCHOOLS!!!...wait a minute...I was just recommended...that means I have to pass their stupid test in order to actually be in the club...HAHAHAHAHA TEME ILL NEVER SEE YOU AT ALL!!!!

I happily ate my ramen and ran out the door to my car and left.


3rd pov

At lunch naruto was a bit surprised that sakura and ino came to sit by him today.

"Hey naruto how are you?" Ino greeted while eating her food.

"Oh...I'm fine. What happened I thought you guys were sitting at the fan tables close to sasuke?" Naruto was kinda confused.

"Oh no we realized that we're not spending much time together these days so we came to sit here today!" Sakura flashed a smile towards her blond friend.

"Oh okay well then how are you guys!" Naruto felt like it was almost normal again.

"Oh we're both fine Sakura is going to try the music club!" Ino almost shouted out. Sakura blushed while covering ino's mouth.

"Shhh ino! But yes I'm gonna try get in! What club are you guys gonna try?" Ino put sakura's hand down.

"Im going to try fashion I love it so much!" Ino proudly said.

"Yeah and maybe when you're successful you can make me and my future husband Sasuke a band fashion line!!!" Sakura happily suggested. Then both of the girls turned to Naruto.

"Sooo Naruto what club are you trying?" Ino leaned in.

"O-oh um n-nothing special!"

"Naruto you're stuttering. I heard you were recommended for one of the new clubs! Tell us now!!!" Sakura also leaned in to see Naruto up close who was blushing.

"Okay okay....I was recommended into the music club..." Naruto looked at ino and sakura who's mouths were dropped.

"WHAT YOU'RE COMMENDED TO MUSIC!?!?!" Sakura said very shocked.

"Shhh its not like I even want to." Naruto said.

"You are so lucky but...you only know piano?" Ino sat back in her seat.

"Well I guess were rivals for a spot haha well I hope we both get in!" Sakura sat in her seat smiling.

"Yeah...me too Sakura-chan."

The bell rang...

After lunch it was time for everyone to go to their clubs. 

Naruto sat with sakura on the floor while everyone sat with their friend group. Shikamaru walked in with a pen and paper not looking too excited.

"*sigh* this is such a drag...okay hello everyone before we start I want everyone to right down their names and what you can or wanna play. Also if you can sing write that down." Shikamaru handed the paper and pen to a student then sat down to rest. Kiba came running in as happy as can be.

"Shikabro did you explain?" Kiba wrapped his arm around shikamaru who was annoyed.

"Tch thats Neji's job leave me alone!"

"Okay jeez sorry...did you guys break up again?" Kiba said before shikamaru covered his mouth.

"SHHHH not in front of fans you fucking idiot!" Shikamaru snapped as kiba just slowly shook his head yes.

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